Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Onward and Upward

Onward and Upward is a series where I explore my thoughts, wishes, dreams and other things. It's a little bit of introspection and a lot a bit goal sharing. Sometimes I will find questions from another blog post, sometimes from books... feel free to join me in answering the questions or even leave some that have helped you figure out your best day to day life.  

50 things I am grateful for (in no particular order):
1. soft kittens
2. bananas
3. cotton balls
4. cozy blankets
5. the love of my family
6. my friendships
7. the ocean
8. my senses
9. contacts so I can actually see
10. money
11. pictures
12. funny things
13. my sense of humor
14. my hair
15. my family (believe it or not that's different than #5)
16. my friends
17. clean water to drink
18. clean water to shower in
19. soap
20. make up
21. dolphins
22. baby laughs
23. baby smiles
24. roses
25. laughing until I cry
26. pens and paper
27. the founding fathers
28. the internet for so many reason
29. books books books
30. pretty little liars
31. sleep
32. rain
33. tattoos
34. dogs
35. "call me maybe" it may be annoying now but it's created so many dance parties and funny jokes. worth it
36. the blog community
37. trees
38. sweets
39. delicious food that tastes good too
40. bean and cheese burritos
41. french toast
42. good smells
43. perfume
44. plane rides
45. San Francisco
46. Portland
47. the ability to exercise even if I don't want to
48. flirting
49. forehead kisses
50. snuggles


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Life Isn't Just Photos and Books - How I Really Feel

Where to start? I feel like I'm really growing this blog into something I want it to be but at the same time I feel like I'm still missing something. I like my scheduled posts, I think I have three a week now, when I actually follow through, and when I don't at least I know what I could post if I was at a loss for something to share. In my day to day life, with my face to face or chat space (facebook chat, text etc) I am rarely at a loss for something to say.

Honestly, I think I am usually complaining or wondering where I am going wrong. I feel a stagnant even though I have been making consistent changes in my life since January. They started off a little slower but to say that I have started 4 new jobs since January this year and have kept 3 of them is something of an achievement I think. What I focus on instead: the fact that I am not making enough money to live the way I want... what exactly does that entail you ask? Well, a room of my own, in a house that is not owned by my mother or father, with a place to sit and read as well as a place to work, a closet that doesn't have sad and mostly over-worn clothes in it, no guilt when I think of needing a hair cut, food that I find delicious to fill my belly three times a day, and time for adventures and every once in a while a weekend trip to Palm Springs, LA, or even San Francisco.

If I'm honest with myself, and I'm trying very hard to be honest most of the time, I could probably have a little more money for clothes or activities if I didn't eat outside of the house so much. The worst part is, the food that I buy elsewhere usually doesn't even taste that good. If I saved up and passed on all of those $6-9 meals I could go to the grocery store and get bread, jelly and peanut butter, a fruit or two, some carrots and have a healthier meal and money left over (this is not to say that's a healthy meal, it's just to say it's healthier than the ones I am eating). Unfortunately this having three jobs thing means there is a significant amount of time going in to travel and so much wiggle room to justify just stopping somewhere and getting a bite when going from one place to another.

I also haven't really made an effort to consistently exercise in a good while. I had a schedule going and I was sticking to it pretty well and then crash boom bang, there I go off the good habits train. After typing that I got down and gave myself 20 push ups and 15 reverse crunch/leg lift things. Felt good. It always does once I get into it.

I feel like I'm operating in a black hole, I've come off my meds and nothing is different for better or for worse. I still have emotional times where anything can send me to the brink of tears and temper tantrums (seriously anything, like not getting a sock bun right), I still blame myself for things that I have no control over and I still get in these aggravating and self deprecating fights with myself about how hopeless and pathetic I am. And by fights I mean that I give in to the abuse and don't fight back. So it's really not even a fight.

I'm so good at telling other people how great they will be, and how things will change and suggesting small things they can do to start turning their thinking around. I try these things, and if I look back far enough, I realize I have become a way nicer enemy to myself, I'm not nearly as harsh as I use to be about everything, now I can tell myself I'm pretty while telling myself that counts for nothing and won't keep a man around or get me a high salary career. Before I was ugly and couldn't have anything good. PROGRESS! Right?

I want it to stop, I want the self abuse, the torture, the search for the most hurtful words to call myself to stop. I want the broken record of inadequacy to turn down the volume if not shut all the way off.
I want to stop spending money on silly things like food at places I don't need to eat, I want to make more money, I don't want to be running around to three different jobs, maybe one of which really makes me happy. I don't want to be the one that tries to talk people out of thinking I'm great, I want to actually be able to believe them. I don't want each day to end and wonder why I wasted it, but know that I didn't know what else to do. I want my days off to feel like days off, not just quiet time to tear myself apart without distraction.
I want to believe that my future includes a man that loves me as much as I love him, one that doesn't make me feel like I am second best to anything, one that is actually a man and not a boy, who gets shit done and knows how to work through things when the going gets tough. A man that isn't afraid to have a child and a family, that doesn't need to keep partying because he wants to feel young. A man that likes to travel. He doesn't have to be interested in photography, he doesn't even have to like to read, but he needs to respect and admire that I love them both, just like I'll respect whatever it is that he is really passionate about, even if I'm not all that into it.
I want a place that feels like MY home, with big windows that let in light. That has a kitchen I feel comfortable in so I don't constantly want to go somewhere else for food. I want a kitten who will grow into a small cat that is cuddly and fun (and a girl). I want wood floors and pictures on the walls. I want my bed to be made for two, and eventually room in our life for the two to become three. I want time and money to go on a hot air balloon ride and go back to Argentina. I want to know what it is I want to work my ass off for.

I think that's the hardest thing, to not know what my next step is. That's what has me going in these same circles. I want to move upward not in a straight line or worse off, backward. (I also want this fly in my room to die.)

I want cuddles and date nights and weekend getaways with friends. I want to keep learning, keep exploring and maybe have my hand in a few buckets (three at most) so that I am never bored, always able to switch gears when life feels a little stagnant.
I don't want to be solely responsible for answering phones, I don't want to work for companies who's business practices or employee treatment I don't agree with. I don't want to create half ass newsletters to people that really don't want to be bothered with the information anyway.
I want a schedule that I control. I want to be able to wake up when I want to (granted, I want to change my body clock to be an earlier riser instead of a night owl), I want to be able to decide how long a project is going to take instead of having to make it fit into 8 hours. If I get it done in 2 then I should still get paid the same amount.
I want enough money to be able to not worry about random purchases of up to $200, but I also want to be controlled in my spending so that those kinds of random don't happen often at all. I don't want to have to worry about where the money is going to come from to go to the doctor's office or get new tires on the car. I don't want to have credit card debt that looms when I think of things I want to save for, like a new computer or vacations or new tattoos.
I want to be healthier and by that I mean eat more vegetables, less fatty meats, and more fruits. I want to exercise more which means at least 2 days a week at a dance studio, they don't have to be the same one. I want to compete in a pole competition and get my twisted grip ayesha. I want my middle splits and an impossible looking back bend. I want to pay off my car and my credit card debt and get a car that I love looking at and driving, one that doesn't rattle when I put on the breaks going downhill with my wheel slightly turned.
I want, I want, I want.
What's the first step? In the most basic terms: make more money in one or two places, not three. Find a job that pays enough to get all the bills and some extra at the end of the month and still have time (and energy) for everything else. One that will help me create and explore what's next.
I want peace in my mind, I want to like myself consistently. I want to be happier, I don't need to always be happy, but I definitely want to be happier. I want change and I want answers and I want to stop feeling pathetic.

They say life is what you make it, I feel like I'm falling short on making it anything. Is this just the storm before the success? The turning point where life decides if I'm woman enough to handle it? I can only hope, because I am tired of looking at my friends lives and wondering where I am going wrong. Wondering how they can stay so positive and figure these things out.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Happily Wasted

This weekend brings fall to all of us, well, all of us on the Northern Hemisphere that is... I wonder, do planners and such say that this weekend is the start of Spring on the Southern Hemisphere? If so I want one of those, not because I want Spring to be here, I'm happy with Fall when it decides to really show its face, but because that would feel backwards and sometimes feeling backwards gets things moving again.
The weather has been anything but fall like here in North County San Diego. It still feels like summer and I'm ready for that to be over. I've enjoyed my summer, even made it to the beach a couple of times, but I'm ready for leaves to change color and for it to be a temperature that is good for scarf and sweater wearing. While I'm not missing the constant mist that is Portland, I am missing the changes. So San Diego, please get rid of this heat wave and bring on the crisp mornings and cuddly nights.
Thank you oh so much. Oh yes, and some rain, I'm willing to cry and do a little rain dance if I could get some rain.

until then, the links of the week:
- Someone who is as in love with school and office supplies as me!!!
- 33 things in 33 years
- "No one tries to pick a fight if they are having a good day..." words on letting go of the dramatic in your personality
- One of my friends just started a skin care blog... I'm stoked to see what she has to say!
- Elsie and Emma's studio looks quite heavenly. I love all the natural light.
- A triangle quilt, I must, must, must make one soon!
- Two post about Sauvie Island in about a week make me miss Portland something fierce. One, two.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Required Reading: Lesson One

I think it's safe to say I've been reading a lot this year, maybe even more than last year... quick check shows I am 18 books ahead of last year... and I think it's time I shared some of these lovely books with you. I'm not doing the books of (enter month here) this year because honestly, I didn't think I would read nearly as much as I did in 2011. How wrong was I?

I figure it's time to showcase some of my favorites of the year thus far... here they are, highly recommended. Three of which I've read twice this year... yeah, twice... oh shoot, so maybe I'm only 16 (I'm not finished with the second reading of TFFS yet) actual books ahead...but the reading time was still there, does it still count? Whatever, I'm counting it.

Looking for Alaska by John Green
I just introduced myself to John Green this year, starting with a book called An Abundance of Katherines. It was awesome and good and I really did like it. I'll probably have to buy it now that I think about it. I just can't get enough of his writing. Looking For Alaska took AAoK and blew it out of the water, in fact it blew everything out of the water for me. Everything I thought I liked best, every favorite book was pushed to the side. This is in my top 5 of all time. Could I list the rest? Probably not, they change frequently, but still. Top 5. I wrote about it here a while back and after rereading that I can't say anything more. This book makes me believe that guys can love girls and that books are meant to be reread many, many times.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
And then there was this book. While LfA changed everything, this book came and rocked me even more. I sobbed so hard and had so much hope at the same time. I realize that I haven't done a Between the Lines post about this book and I need to. So fantastic. I rarely buy books in hardback (unless they are the two others in the picture...) but it got to where it was the only thing I wanted to read (and it was the second reading) and so I caved. Watch, in a month it will come out in paperback. But it doesn't matter. I love this book so much.

Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach
Okay, finances and such are definitely not something I get excited about unless I find a nice $20 in a pair of pants that I had forgotten about. This being said, I know at 26 it's definitely time to get a hold of these things and have an idea of where I am at and where I want to be. This is not a book about growing millions and millions of dollars like the title might suggest, it's about knowing where you are at, knowing where you want to be, figuring out how to navigate the difference and stay smart about it all. It has been quite helpful and will stay on my bookshelf for future reference when home buying, life insurance or 401ks and Roth IRAs are something I can deal with and worry about. I suggest it highly if you are confused about all of this stuff like I was (and admittedly still am a bit).

Happier At Home by Gretchen Rubin
I loved The Happiness Project, I read that a second time right before 2011. I'm pretty sure I will get a used copy in paperback and go through it one more time. As much as I liked it, I liked Happier At Home even more. For some reason her projects connected more to me this time. I'm going to be thinking about my own Happiness Project and what timeline it's going to have. I'm pretty excited. The book was such a fast read, so easy to relate to and I found a lot of wisdom in it.

The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte
Oh Fire Starter Sessions, how I love you so. I went through this book once and had a hard time getting a lot out of myself. I loved what was being said, I loved reading it and I felt a spark of hope but it wasn't quite reflected in my answers to the worksheets until the second go through. I'm still in the middle of it and I still have some room to dream and think bigger but I've made a lot of progress and that's saying a lot. I've read many, many self-help/motivational/whatever you want to call them books and this one has helped me the most. Maybe because I was tired of reading books, getting excited and then forgetting all about it, I'm not sure. All I know is that I love this book and re-reading I just keep finding and re-reminding myself of things I need to know. I suggest this to any creative person, any person who is incredibly hard on themselves, I recommend it to anyone who's willing to do some work.

What books have left you feeling awestruck lately?


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Onward and Upward

Onward and Upward is a series where I explore my thoughts, wishes, dreams and other things. It's a little bit of introspection and a lot a bit goal sharing. Sometimes I will find questions from another blog post, sometimes from books... feel free to join me in answering the questions or even leave some that have helped you figure out your best day to day life.  

The prompts today are from a blog post over at The Happiness Project, I just finished Happier at Home and felt very inspired (I feel like that word is overused, I need a new one). The post is about knowing yourself better, I found these questions relatively easy to answer, so maybe I'm getting closer. 
If something is forbidden, do you want it less or more?
It depends on the thing. If I know it will not be good for me, or if there is a really good reason behind it being forbidden, sure. But if the reason seems half hearted or underdeveloped then I will want the thing more.
Is there an area of your life where you feel out of control? Especially in control?
Money. I am not spiraling out of control but it feels elusive and scary to deal with. I want to cry every time I start to make a budget. No, that's not a go-getter response but even when I keep repeating "I can do this, it's okay" to myself I still find I spiral into a funk. One that makes me want to cry or sleep for hours. Just writing this makes me want out of my skin.
Especially in control? Nothing right now. 
If you unexpectedly had a completely free afternoon, what would you do with that time?
Not know what to do probably. Maybe read, I find myself at Barnes and Noble or target when this happens if it's too hot to sit at the beach and read. Must get out of that habit. That's where the loss of control with money comes in. Otherwise, take pictures if I can think of a place. Take a nap...
Are you comfortable or uncomfortable in a disorderly environment?
How much time do you spend looking for things you can’t find?
Not very much, I know where to find the stuff I haven't gotten rid of. It's pretty nice.
Are you motivated by competition?
I am haunted by competition. I get really hard on myself and then lose focus and want to get better. I want to be the best at everything from the beginning, and seeing other people that are better makes me feel frustrated, not inspired. Unless they are on tv or something, then I'm inspired. But if I know them or are in the same room/environment, then I'm easily broken and discouraged by competition and comparison.
Do you find it easier to do things for other people than to do things for yourself?
I feel like answers are easier to find for other people. I feel like the road to success is more easily mapped out, not because they have something I don't, but because my emotions and feelings of inability don't come in.
Do you work constantly? or think you should be working?
Little bit of both. I go through an ebb and flow of working vs not working. I always think I could be doing more.
Do you embrace rules or flout rules?
I am more restrained by rules and perceived authority than I want to be. I need to find a balance between respecting some rules and finding my way around others.
Do you work well under pressure?
What would your perfect day look like?
Time for picture taking, time for inspiration hunting, time for blogging and exercise and reading. Waking up when it's just starting to get light outside and enjoying a healthy breakfast. Doing some writing. Getting out for a walk, getting ready for the day, doing some work. Taking pictures and then having a great dinner with a champion of a man that I will one day call a partner (no prospects yet, still dreaming). 
How much TV do you watch in a week (include computer time spent watching videos, movies, YouTube)?
Maybe an hour.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Want to be a morning person but I am definitely a night person right now.
What’s more satisfying to you: saving time or saving money?
Saving money should be more satisfying but, usually saving time is.
Do you like to be in the spotlight?
Yes. I like when my pictures are seen and liked, I like when I tell a good story or I dance and people appreciate it. I don't like it when I don't feel prepared, I am not one to make it up on a whim. I'm very choosy though, I want the spotlight at chosen times, celebrity status would not work for me.
Is your life “on hold” in any aspect? Until you finish your thesis, get married, lose weight?
Yes. Until I make more money, until I figure out what I want to do. Until I move out.
What would you do if you had more energy?
Energy is not the problem, my relationship with time is.
If you suddenly had an extra room in your house, what would you do with it?
pole studio, no doubt.
What people and activities energize you? Make you feel depleted?
energize by: dancing, having a good time with friends, taking pictures, making something new, trying something new, traveling, organizing, writing, reading, making a good suggestion to someone

depleted by: cleaning up after others, paying bills, getting ready (for the day or for bed... probably my issues with sleep)
Is it hard for you to get rid of things that you no longer need or want?
Not really. I have a small space with no closet that all of my stuff fits in, if I don't want it it's gone. If I don't need it and have emotional attachment to it, there's more work involved.
Do you get frustrated easily?
One hundred times yes
On a typical night, what time do you go to bed? How many hours of sleep do you get?
1-2am, not enough. Probably around 6 or 7.
If at the end of the year, you had accomplished one thing, what is the one accomplishment that would make the biggest difference to your happiness?
Making enough money to pay all of my bills while having some left over for my projects and adventures in a job that I enjoy with a flexible schedule.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Very Small Adventure

It was a Sunday, my adventure days usually are, and I had left work early (football and eh movies meant it was super slow), made a stop at the library and then found myself curious about a house like structure I could see on the drive through residential streets by my house. I went down a path thinking I could get to it that way but found that I could not. I was a tad discouraged but, surprisingly, did not give up hope. I took a drive around to another possible area of access and low and behold I found that the building I was looking at was part of a small park, right in my neighborhood.
I was so excited as I drove down the street and then walked along the dirt path. I didn't take the time to go into the visitor's center (I was about to be late to meeting family for Sunday dinner) but I did take a few pictures before I left and promised myself to come back, again and again.
Don't tell anyone, but this place looks like it would be pretty spooky if one were in at night. I'm down to try.


Friday, September 14, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 36

Had a mini photo adventure with Brian during week 36. Went up real high to do some looking down. Not too shabby.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A North Park Date

Sundays are my only real days off and so they are usually filled with an adventure or two. This week I met up with Lisa and had lunch. We met at Rancho's in North Park and chatted over delicious mexican food. I ordered the shitake enchiladas and she had a fish taco. I don't think I'll order the same plate again, but that's because the menu is insane, so many options, and next time I'll try something different. 
After Rancho's we took a little walk around North Park checking out a store or two and adding things to my never ending purchase wish list. I felt like an addict a couple of times when I would see lovely tattoos or we would walk by a tattoo shop. The one I got my food done at was right there and I just had to ignore it and look at trinkets instead.
After browsing a couple of stores and finding some awesome wall murals, we ventured back to our cars and decided to head west to Hillcrest.
I had a bit of an ordeal with a parking meter. For some reason I was absolutely sure you have to pay the meters on a Sunday there so I was feeding it and after a while I realized it wasn't adding more time. It was under the limit so I looked into the slot and saw my quarter just resting there. I took out a bobby pin but I had little luck. I decided an hour of time was enough and ventured away. 
I found Lisa who parked elsewhere and we looked in a bookstore for a book I wanted to get for a friend and then we strolled to Urban Outfitter. I found myself an awesome rug on sale (ON SALE) and tried on some maxi dresses, but the dresses just weren't meant to be. 
I realized an hour had past (so fast) so we went back to the meter. We tried to see if it would take a quarter or two and it would not, I started to call the number on the thing but decided it wasn't worth it and went to park in the Rite Aid parking lot... for $3 an hour. When I left I saw a woman pulling into the spot behind me and I thought... well goodness, she's going to have to figure it out herself. 
We parked elsewhere, walked around and made our last stop at Pinkberry. I love Pinkberry. I always forget.
On our way back to the cars we passed the spot I had left and looked at the meter... and then looked closer. Guess what people? No payment needed on Sundays. Awesome. Many a lost coin and I probably had people watching me from the cafe wondering what the heck I was doing the whole time.

Oh well, live and learn... to read signs even better.

Nevertheless, despite about $2 lost, the day was great and conversation wonderful and there were pictures taken. So, really it doesn't even matter does it? :)


Monday, September 3, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 35

week 35: All around good. Sunday seems to be my picture taking day. Probably because it is my one given, for sure day off. This Sunday was a North Park and Hillcrest adventure with Lisa. Such a great time, good food, walking, book browsing and more. The dedicated post will be up this week. Until then, enjoy the long weekend!
