Monday, February 20, 2012

Want List: Jason Wu for Target

So, I'm in love with every outfit here... but the middle dress spoke to me the minute I saw it in a picture. Which was, today, while strolling Target (something I haven't done in a while to teach myself self control). I searched but did not find. I came home, and went online. (that rhymes... take note) 
Turns out that pretty little number is no where to be found here. I wonder if my dear friend Nicole might find it in Portland, or I wonder if someone lives in a place where people wouldn't get excited about this.

Seriously, perfect dress. Fit looks amazing and after reading the reviews I'm just even more upset that I never took the time to know about this. 

And as a runner up this little blue sirt is amaaaazingly cute too. But the blue dress above wins. I would love to wear something like the blouse to the right but I'm afraid it would look like I was naked with really hangy skin. Not so great.

I love cats. I would use this to make a table top prettier. CATS!

Truth be told, I knew when I saw the commercial for this line I had a feeling I would really like it. Like REALLY like it... and so it's probably good I stayed away but SHOOT! I missed out on the perfect dress.

I'm going to go mourn the loss of what never was for a bit...


Sunday, February 19, 2012

There'd Be Days Like This

I've been giving it a good college go to improve my attitude about, well, everything. I've been told I can be extremely negative and I've noticed it myself a great many times. I've been working hard over the past half year or more to change my outlook on life and myself. Most days I really understand and appreciate the bits I take away from the self help books I read and the projects I sign up for. But other days, like Saturday, there is just a cloud that refuses to break down easy.

Saturday the doubts that I had pushed down, the frustration that I'd tried to ease in my mind all came together into a dark cloud above my head. There was just no kicking it for the better part of the day. I even went and hung out with friends which admittedly, did ease some of the frustration, but not all of it. I feel really challenged when moods like that come along. I get this feeling that I need out of my skin, that nothing sounds okay and everything is going wrong. I feel like screaming, cussing and complaining about anything and everything and my humor gets really dark. 

While my sarcastic comments sometimes make people laugh it is not a pleasant place for me to be. And I try to stay away from friend and family during these darker times but sometimes being around them is what I need to get out of it.

So this time I compromised. I called a few friends, b and m-ed (excuse the french here, bitched and moaned) to one using harsh language which felt pretty good. Some of my pent up energy was released. During that time a different friend called and left a funny message and I was able to meet up with him and one of his friends at a coffee shop I hadn't been to in a while. After that the cloud eased a bit more.

I was still in a very subdued mood when we went to the beach later and met up with other friends but I took the time to enjoy the sound of the ocean and study a bit on the beach. I thought about how so few people get to study on the beach and it made me feel just a little bit more grateful for something in my day. The studying also helped me realize that this thing I have been dreading and putting off (studying for a big test to get my teaching credential, well, the opportunity to take classes to THEN get my TC) won't be AS BAD as I thought it was going to be.
I kept forgetting as I thought about the magnitude of this test, that the information I am going to be learning is stuff that I find interesting and useful. A lot of it is review from years and years of English classes. While 5 hours taking a test (during which I am to write 2 long and 4 short answer essays) is definitely going to melt my mind, it won't be as impossible as I've made it out to be. 

With that another little weight lifted. I still wasn't super friendly feeling at that point (and the wet sand had soaked through my towel and made the seat of my jeans wet) so I left the boys to come in from the surf without their groupie and went home to take some time to chill and get warm. 

I get home, one of my friends calls to ask if I want to meet for dinner later, he says it will be about an hour maybe a tad more which then gives me the perfect window of time to work out and then meet up with him. The invitation and work out session broke the rest of the cloud left and finally I was free to be happy again.

After dinner I went home to get changed to get ready to go out and I had SUCH a good time. Oh goodness, two margaritas in (short glass margaritas) and we were all laughing and having a great time. I'm so glad that my earlier thoughts of staying home alone weren't acted upon. 

So tonight, after processing the week I realized that I had been more productive than I thought. I made a list to prove it!

Things I've Completed:
- Finished my 3 college applications online (USF, NAU and CSUSM if you are wondering)
- Finished 3 books (Start Something That Matters, Sweet Valley Confidential and An Abundance of Katherines)
- Filed my taxes
- Completed the 2012-2013 FAFSA
- put Netflix account on hold until May ($8 a month I am not doing anything with, so we'll wait until money is more stable and there's more I want to watch)
- went to an awesome book club meet up!
- progressed in my dance classes, not as much as I wanted to, but progress none the less

I might end up doing these lists more often... I might not post them all the time but they will be a great reminder when the months fly by to see what I have done. 

Do you have times where you think nothing has been accomplished but when you really take a look back you realize you've done quite a bit?

To those who are incredibly positive, take action people: do you still have days where everything feels off and you just want to complain about something? Or does the need for that kind of release of mental energy fade after a lot of practice?


Happily Wasted

Isn't this little girl just a doll of a kitty? I mean really... (if you answer anything but yes keep it to yourself, she's my fav!)
These last few weeks have been filled with things I can't even remember so I'll just leave you with the links. And thinking about how soft Saki (Sake?) is. We've had her for years and still I don't get the spelling right. :)

I've been there...
Frivolous shopping when depressed, definitely done that.
A new favorite... a man of class
My next "day in ____" project
This beautiful drawing
More helpful photo tips from Elsie
The Camera... gorgeous
A brave photoshoot
I need to get better at using my iphone camera!
That's why her hair's so big, it's full of secrets.
Oh I love, love, love crepes... these look divine!
Hopelessly in love with triangle art
This gorgeous post of pictures, Hula Seventy, your photography never disappoints!
A great looking trunk!
Two new things to try with my hair! one, two.
March Photo a Day challenge


Friday, February 17, 2012

Between the Lines: An Abundance of Katherines

I'm going to start with "I loved it." I mean, I read it in one night. I stopped maybe one quarter of the way through to nap but then after spending a little chat time with my mom and brother while simultaneously searching the fridge and pantry for something to eat (no success) I went back to the book and read it to the end.

I often question my own review of books. I find myself reading things that are sometimes formulaic, think Nicholas Sparks, or cliché, but I love, love, love them none the less. I use to worry that liking these made me seem less smart, and to some it might, but I think of them as breaks from the work my brain does on a daily basis. (Most work it did use to consist of worrying, now it's worrying and wondering if I'm good enough at just about anything.) 

But this isn't about me, it's about the book. And I liked it. I liked it a great deal. I would recommend it to those who enjoy YA lit. 

I'm not going to go into telling you why, if you want to read it or want to know about it's about just hop on over to amazon (it has 4 stars out of 5 there) and read what they other say.
I'm going to leave you with my favorite part in the book though... here it goes:

"She ran off. It was not the way Curve smelled that Colin liked - not exactly. It was the way the air smelled just as Lindsey began to jog away from him. The smell the perfume left behind. There's not a word for that in English, but Colin knew the French word: sillage. What Colin liked about Curve was not its smell on the skin but its sillage, the fruity sweet smell of its leaving."
I mean, it's so cute and nerdy at the same time. And I love perfume... not Curve, and generally not super fruity smelling perfume, but perfume in general. It brings up such strong feelings. Do I have a sensitive nose? Maybe. But certain smells make me so giddy even just for a second, and later they might relax me.
Anyway, I really connected to that part and so I wanted to share.

It's been a while since I've done a Between the Lines. I miss them.

Maybe they will be more frequent in the future. I've just been reading a lot of self-help/business books that there isn't just one part that I can take out from the whole.

Anywho, happy reading!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Pins


So here it is, not just one cutesy, happy Valentine's Day post but TWO!!! I guess once I started getting into the happy, excited feel I just couldn't stop! These are some of my favorite love pins. 


Seriously, I might go for that last line if a guy came up to me at a bar and said it. No shame? Ugh. Sorry. But I mean, I love books. And libraries... He'd definitely have to be a little older though...


Valentine's Day: A Playlist

Dearest Readers,

I'm going to be really honest with you right here and now. I don't have a Valentine... I haven't had one since my Sophomore year in High School. That year was awesome as far as Valentine's Day goes. He asked me out two days before and then on Valentine's Day bought me 12 roses AND a HUGE teddy bear. Seriously, going to be hard to top that. ;)
But, since then my life has been devoid of suitors on V-day.


Okay, I lied, so much for being really honest huh?! I did have one other awesome Valentine's Day a couple of years back. I met up with this guy I was casually seeing and we went to Ruby's in Oceanside on the pier and just hung out. Of course his friend was with us but seriously, it was still awesome, low key, fun, etc. So, I take it back, I've had two awesome (male) valentines.

But getting back to my point. I get a little bitter around this "holiday" and it's not because I think it's a Hallmark Holiday or anything like that. Believe me, if I had a significant or even not that significant other I'd be jumping for joy. But alas I don't and seeing people get all mushy and such makes me heart go a little black.

I want that to change! I figure in order for me to deserve another good Valentine's Day in the future I have to shed this bitterness and have fun.

So here goes, in honor of Valentine's Day I put together a playlist of songs that just make me smile. They are usually the ones I go to when I have a crush or start dating someone I quite like.


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Playlist (in no particular order):
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Remember to Breathe, So Impossible and Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional
The Girl, As Much As I Ever Could and We Found Each Other In the Dark by City and Colour
Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding
Wonderwall - Cover by Ryan Adams
Look After You - The Fray
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
Ours, Enchanted, Today Was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift
The Only Exception - Paramore
You Have My Attention - Copeland
Have Faith In Me - A Day To Remember
Make Me Proud and Good Ones Go -Drake
Pistol - Dustin Kensrue
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Give Into Me - Garett Hudland and Leighton Meister
She Paints Me Blue - Something Corporate
The Fear You Won't Fall - Joshua Radin
I'll Be Yr Bird - M. Ward
The Story So Far - New Found Glory
Nothing Like You and I - The Perishers
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
I Loved the Way She Said L.A. - Spitalfield
Best of Me - The Starting Line
The Tension and the Terror - Straylight Run

Happy Valentine's Day!

extra x's and o's

Monday, February 13, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 6

This picture owns the rest from the week, hands down!

I can't believe it's the 6th week of this already. I mean, I guess I can, but it's all going by so fast. Something I probably mention a lot. It seems like one day it's Monday and the hour won't go fast enough and then all of a sudden it's Thursday and then it's Sunday. I mean, I know the days in between happen and sometimes Wednesday is more poignant in my mind, but it's all relative just the same every week.

Makes me think of one of my absolute favorite quotes (just in time for Valentine's Day!)
 When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute -- then it's longer than any hour. That's relativity!   
-Albert Einstein
I remember reading this quote (though I swore it was part of a poem, guess not) when I was in high school and immediately loving it. That and Gary Soto's Oranges. The simplicity of young love in Oranges made me swoon during those times of hormone swings. Who am I kidding, it still does! :)

Anywho, there were some runner ups, mostly because of the situations, not so much the pictures themselves.

Sunday Dad and I went to see the Titanic exhibit at The Natural History Museum in Balboa Park. The wait was a bit long and the journey was a bit slow (dang slow readers!) but the day itself was incredibly enjoyable. Dad and I first went and had sushi for lunch, then went to the museum and then sat by the big fountain between the Natural History Museum and Ruben H. Fleet. Despite our differences through the years (yay teenage hormones and trying to figure out who I was!!!) we really are two peas in a pod. Where we differ, we differ greatly but where we are the same, we are exact. I'm at a loss for what else to say right this minute, but I guess I could just simply state that getting time to hang out one on one again was awesome. We haven't had a outing like that in a long time.

I took this while waiting in line for the Titanic exhibit. I like how the shark looks like it's about to eat that man and that boy. Rad.

Me and the bestest little kitty in the world. She's a nutter, very strange thing, but she gets really lovey and she's so soft and, well, she's just a doll. Oh baby Saki. I love you lots.

This week I will make an effort to take more picture with my actual camera instead of my phone. 


Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Freshman Year Girl Crush

So, I have these pants... and I love them, they have the sailor button thing going on in the front... very cute look normally... but here's the deal, I either look like a frump wearing them OR I look like Avril Lavigne circa Skater Boi/Complicated era. 

I mean seriously, that white tank may as well be a wife beater (horrible name), the bracelet may as well be a spike wristlet and the pants may as well be dickies. I think if my waist were longer I could master the look I tried a different day, but it isn't and so here I am... Avril-ing it up. Yes, I just made her a gerund. 

Oh well, my hair looks pretty good (though I could REALLY use a trim, and bangs) and I'm in a good mood for being up since 7 something. Yes, I know, that's when normal people generally wake up... but I'm not normal. Haven't we established that by now. :)

oh pants, why you gotta be so complicaaated?

aaaand I'm out!


Monday, February 6, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 5

This week I made Friday my photo adventure day instead of Sunday. Sunday I still thought about going out and getting to know some more Polaroid film but a different project kept me busy instead. I was so happy with the photos from Friday so I wasn't too worried about finding a picture for the week. As per usual... I can't pick just one. The one above is from my phone, I took several pictures of this well but from where I was sitting at that point it was almost impossible to get a good overall view in my camera... so I decided to split it in two and put it back together with diptic. I'm such a genius. ;)
It took a bit of fiddling and a little bit of frustration but after a couple of minutes I did it! Then I gave myself a gold star. (mentally)

As for the rest, I'll explain them below...

1. I love old/unfinished wood floors. I really don't think this one was old, I went to a social media meet up (Social Media Breakfast San Diego, there are pictures of me here and here) and it was beneath my feet
2. While waiting for the photo booth at SMBSD (where the linked pictures come from) we saw the coolest little bike... Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s and I decided Baby Brows NEEDS this bike!
3. Stencil graffiti!!!
4. I went to Balboa after to walk around the MOPA which was eh, and the photo booth there isn't like the old ones so I was eh on that too. But Balboa never lets me down so it was all worth it in the end AND it was pretty sunny. This fountain was breathtaking, I love pretty destructed things.
5. This cute little wishing well. I didn't wish for anything but I sat on that little bench for a good 20 minutes just relaxing. Not going to lie, I was sleepy, 7am is not my norm wake up time.

In other news, I developed a couple of rolls of 120! I just need to get my scanner working or get them scanned at that place formerly known as Kinko's.
Maybe I'll get them up next week! Fingers crossed!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happily Wasted

Ohhhh Happy Sunday! Does anybody ever get excited for Sunday or does Monday loom to clearly in the distance? I like Sundays. I like their laziness (except for when I want to go somewhere and everyone is driving slow), the calm before the storm of the week. It's a time to get everything planned, get loose ends taken care of or that last work out in for the week. (Truth be told I only did 2 this week... must get more movement in next week.)
 This week went by fast as they all do now. Sometimes I stress about letting time get away from me. And then other times I just choose not to think about it. 
I did manage to get out of the house for something other than work more than once this week! I'd say I get a gold star for that. I also cleaned and organized my room. I fixed some of the small things that were driving me crazy on a daily basis and now when I walk into my room I feel calm. It's amazing what a few small little changes can do. Seriously. You should try it some time. Just pick two seemingly small things that have been bugging you for months (things that wouldn't take that long to fix but also don't seem like THAT big of a deal compared to everything else... and fix them. Mine were squeaky doors, a always messy nightstand and a rug that just wouldn't stay flat. 
The doors were sprayed with WD-40 and instantly the squeaks were gone, the nightstand and desk were reorganized and situated so there was more space on both... and the rug was moved to a better place. 
Oh yes, and I made my bed after I woke up this morning. It's AMAZING what a made bed can bring to a room.

Well, I'll get off that pedestal for now... here are some links!!!

Gentleman (and ladies if you so choose) date a girl who reads!
Another awesome planner idea by Kyla Roma!
Wonderful tips for outside picture taking.
Wednesday was one of my biggest style icon's birthday!!! Happy bday Lauren Conrad. (yup, that happened)
Geometric photo art... yes please!
Excellent college tips
Wants instead of shoulds
This trip sounds awesome and fantastic and I'm a wee bit jealous!!!
Layering tasks vs multitasking... yeah, I've been doing that already. I think that deserves another gold star!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hipstamatic Disposible

When I first heard Hipstamatic was changing up their program a bit and getting more social I got really excited... and immediately downloaded the new app.
I didn't even know what exactly had to happen in order for it to work, all I knew was that there was a new camera function and I could have it for free!


So I downloaded it... and started to use it. And that's when I realized that you don't get to see the pictures until your whole roll is used.
At first I thought "awe man!" but then I moved on to, "yes, that makes sense... it's a 'disposable' camera."
I thought about adding friends and starting a camera with them, I asked one of the three friends listed as possibilities and still (a month later) have yet to receive a reply. I am definitely not as cool as I thought I was.

Recently I went to lunch with my friend S.Freckles and remembered the camera I had yet to finish. This happens from time to time. I remember it, take more pictures and then forget about it for weeks.
This time I finished a roll and was so super excited. I told S about it and she wanted to share a camera with me. That's when the biggest bummer of the app was revealed.

Ms. Freckles doesn't have a Facebook. I applaud her for this though years ago I questioned the decision over and over again. Because she doesn't have a Facebook I can't share a camera with her.

Are we serious Hipstamatic? You can only share cameras through Facebook? Where is the fun in that? What if I don't want it connected to my Facebook? What if I no longer want a Facebook? What if I rely solely on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter for my friend needs. Why can't we have a camera connected by twitter?

So now, though my pictures came out not too bad, I am bummed on this camera sharing app. I think I'm going to put using it on hold until they find another way to share cameras.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sometimes I Spit Out My Gum In Public: A Softer Approach

Today I woke up (much like Lisa Khoury, well, in the fact that we both opened our eyes) and found more information had been added to the first opinion piece I responded to yesterday. This is to the other people who commented, to Lisa and to Edward, her Managing Editor.

In Lisa's follow up article she explains herself a little better. I am glad I took time to try and see her point on some of the things she said before this came out and figure that she was just wording it in a different way than she meant it.
While I understand how many women (and men) were upset by this post, I don't think it was fair, or even a good argument, to call Lisa names or say things about how she is not a Ferrari. The fact that she received 21 emails in which she was called a cunt (and I'm assuming they weren't reclaiming the word and using it in a positive manner). I don't think that is acceptable either. No matter how much we as tattooed women (me less than others) feel victimized by society and their outdated beliefs it doesn't mean we can call other women names. Do you think ANY women in this world needs to hear any of that? No. Definitely not. I mean, for starters people were judging her looks by a work photo. That's like judging people's looks by their Driver's License or Passport photo. I mean, every once in a while someone gets a good one but for the most part they suck. This was proved to be true when I clicked on her facebook link and saw a pretty picture of her in more natural light.
I think in a society where some of us are already fighting for our lives against outside opinions and influences on what we "should" do with our naturally beautiful bodies, it is totally unnecessary to add to the negative, appearance based commentary. While I admit I thought some means things at first, I knew they weren't appropriate and even more so, that they weren't fair and most likely not even true.

That being said, I am completely and totally guilty of this in other situations. I have thought mean things about a woman because she had a differing opinion or had what I thought I wanted at the time. Since high school though, I've been making it a point to really look at those harsh judgements when they pop up. Turns out, I've made a lot of awesome friends out of women I could have said negative, undefinable things about.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I no longer think Lisa is a woman hater. I would guess that she's finding her way in feminism and in her own body and unfortunately mentioned things that people see as superficial when they don't take everything into consideration. As a self proclaimed feminist I sometimes like to get my nails done (when I have the funds) and shop (again, when I have the funds) and giggle with some girl friends over cute boys or other mostly brainless activities.
I understand what it's like to finally realize that your body can be sexy, that you aren't as bad off as you seem. I understand what it's like to work through some personal issues and come to a point where looking in the mirror isn't always painful. I am sure some people would say that I don't REALLY know what it's like because I'm a white female, and frankly have pretty close to symmetrical features (one of the indicators of beauty apparently), I've never been too small or two big by any majority standard and I have unique hair. But know this, what stands out gets called out. My red hair... didn't think it was an advantage or something to be stoked on for years. I mean, sure, grown ups were always talking about how pretty it was but my peers were always pointing it out as different, and making jokes about it.
I guess that's a long way of saying I understand what Lisa means now when she gets excited about shopping or getting her nails done. She never wanted to before, she was in a constant fight with the mirror. I'm sure just about every women in the United States has gone through that at some point or another. Some for longer amounts of times than the rest of us... so should we be attempting to force people back into that unhappy fight?

Do I still think your article could have been written better and made less harsh? Definitely. Despite the nails/hair/frivolities comments there were many things about tattoos being classless AND defining all of us into the angel wing sporting type. People in and around the tattooed world know that there are at least two groups of tattooed people. There's the group that gets one or two small ones... sometimes butterflies above butt cheeks, and then there are those who get covered, or a limb covered or their back, and they go and take time for the meaning... or they don't... but they get covered. Seriously, ass antlers or not (excuse me I just think the saying is really funny) if you want a tattoo, get it. And if you DON'T want a tattoo, I am DEFINITELY not saying you should get one. Leave the appointments for the rest of us! Nobody should be pressured or harshly judged for things they don't want to do with their body, women especially.
Women shouldn't be pressured to have kids if they don't want to have them, they shouldn't be made to feel guilty. Women should get plastic surgery if they want to (an argument I'm reluctant to agree too but am starting to understand) and not be made to feel bad about it either. I mean, I'll admit, there are days where I would love a little more oomph in my chest area... but I, personally, am not about to go under the knife for it.

I've taken a while to get here but I figure this is an explanation that needs to be made from the side of the tattooed:

I'll admit we are quick to get up in arms when someone says they don't like tattoos on women. Here's why... every day we choose to show our tattoos we are judged, questioned and touched by at least one person. Every time. Yes, tattoos are becoming more prevalent in our society but that doesn't stop people from thinking they can touch us, question us, or tell us we are going to regret it.
You might say that we deserve it and should expect it because we've put these things on our body... but let me ask you this. Would it be okay to walk up to a stranger and ask her why she got her boobs done? Better yet, would it be okay to walk up to her and start squeezing them? Telling her that she's going to regret it one day when she has to get them redone? Tell her that it was a waste of money? I mean, this is a stranger I'm talking about here, not a close friend. Would that be okay? If you are just thinking about women on women touching/asking here then let's think about it if a man did it, just walked up to a women and touched/squeezed her obviously fake boobs? Okay? Unless she has a sign that says to do so no. Definitely not.
Let's take it away from a sexual parts, I still don't think it would be okay to walk up to a women who just had her nose done and touch it, or ask about it. These women have chosen to undergo surgery where they have to be put under (way more invasive than your average... or even not so average tattoo) and yet WE, the tattooed, get questioned, poked and prodded?
Yes, I chose to get these tattoos, yes I like them, no I don't like it when strangers come up behind me and grab my arm to look at them. I've had strangers take pictures of my arm without asking... awkward? Just a bit. Will I answer questions about my tattoos, yes. As long as people aren't being condescending or rude.

There's more. Not only do we get touched, poked and prodded with no qualms by the offending party, we also get barraged with questions like "how are you doing to get a job" when some/most of us already have jobs we are quite happy in. We get asked or told that good men aren't going to want to marry us, that they don't want women with tattoos. You know my response to that? If tattoos are the thing stopping a guy from getting to know me then it really wasn't meant to be anyway.
I get people asking me why I would ruin my beautiful, pale skin. Ummm, why do you tan? Last I heard tattoos aren't causing cancer but sunbathing is. And besides that, maybe I consider these additions to be making it even more beautiful. I mean, colors really pop out on my skin (because I'm basically paper white) and that makes me really happy.
I don't ask people why they choose to where a color when it washes them out, I don't ask people why they cut their hair short when it really looks better long... you know why? Because those are just my opinions. They have nothing to do with the other person and how they are living their life. Maybe they cut their hair short to donate to Locks of Love, maybe they wear that color because the shirt was their mother's or something. Who knows.

It's not just an issue of tattoos, it's an issue of humanity, community, and communication. Why are we putting so many negative vibes into the universe when we could be putting positive ones out there? Why are we hating when we could just go to where we see things we like and commenting on that.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have disagreements. I'm not saying we shouldn't have commented our opposition to Lisa's position, I'm just saying there has to be a better way.

Edward, Lisa's Managing Editor, said something about how we should have all been writing to Komen instead of jumping on this issue.
My thoughts: many of us were also writing to Komen, we can respond to more than one issue at a time. I personally was out of the loop for that one so I did not respond and by the time I heard about it the decision was reversed (thank goodness), but I would have responded eventually if it hadn't been.
To say we should be burning buildings instead of commenting or writing emails is a little extreme.
Personally, I figured it was a benefit that things could be protested and changed over the internet instead of needing riots, protests, police interference, and violence. Burning down the Komen building would not have been beneficial. Would that have made Komen want to keep sending money to Planned Parenthood? Wouldn't that be more of a bully situation?
Again, not justifying any of the mean, appearance related comments that were made against Lisa, I'm just questioning Edwards thoughts on what could have been done instead. Really think Lisa's follow up was a better explanation than Edward's condescending response.

And now I'm going to go read, or pin pretty shoes on pinterest. Because I can do both and still feel intelligent, pretty, beautiful and/or anything else positive.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm In Love... With a Pair of Shoes

Ummmm... seriously? How did I not know Toms was making flats? This are my next pair of shoes.  Good thing my birthday is only a little more than a month away!!!


Sometimes I Spit Out My Gum In Public: My Classless Response to Lisa Khoury

Some of my favorite tattooed and completely classy ladies: Emma, Danielle, Elsie and Kyla Roma
Four totally classy, tattooed, intelligent, successful women. 

please read this article first and then if you would like read Mrs Danielle's response at Sometimes Sweet.

Dearest Lisa,

I'm going to try and understand what you REALLY meant by this article for a second. The real meaning and feelings you have about women and society and how they just became a jumbled mess and misinterpreted after you hit publish.
Best case scenario from your article:

You think women are beautiful. There are few people who would disagree with you there, some might say that not all women are beautiful but I figure that what you meant was the lines and curves we are made up of as women are soft and supple, they are capable of so much, while mens are more straight and angled, which, while artistically appealing, aren't as soft and beautiful as women's. 
I get you there.

Now I'm going to take a deep breath or five... ten? twenty? Okay, I'm in a better place to tackle what you hopefully just worded wrong.

I figure maybe you've seen some tattoos that you don't think are that pretty. You mention angel wings and I wonder if you are talking about the spur of the moment, chinese symbol, butterfly or other tattoos. The ones that someone walked into a tattoo shop, pointed at the wall and said, "that one."
While your judgements are still read harsh on these women I see what you are saying about them being permanent. Yes, we should probably take some more time when we are 18 to think about what we are permanently (well, mostly permanently they are getting so good at removal these days) putting on to our bodies. 

As a tattooed women I can't point too many fingers to those who get tattoos, the only finger I can point is to those who don't research. Sure, you want a tattoo on a whim one day, be my guest, I did that twice and I love them so much still. Of course mine were words I chose with meaning that I'd been thinking about, but I didn't make an appointment and I didn't know at the beginning of the day that I was going to go into a shop later. Spur of the moment can work. 
My concern is when there is no thought put into the artist, the price or the location. Yes, get a tattoo, no don't bargain shop. Don't hear that someone's apprentice is giving away free tattoos from a friend of a friend and automatically think it's a good idea. Sometimes it will be and sometimes it really, really won't. 
Just about any tattooed PERSON (not just women) will tell you that bargain shopping on tattoos is basically THE WORST IDEA EVER. But that's a rant for another time. Let's get back to you Lisa.

I started to mention above the idea of the tattooed person instead of the tattooed lady. Why is it so classless for a woman to have a tattoo and not a man. Maybe that's an article for another day? Were you going to write a continuation on how men are also lacking class with a tattoo or twelve? I hope this isn't just about keeping women's bodies pristine because if so then maybe we should just cover our ankles and shoulders again.
Oh wait, no, you say dressing up and shopping are okay. That flamboyant colors (my words not yours) are okay. Even if they draw attention, in fact, please do this to draw attention. Make those boys drool... 

Frankly by this point I'm more than confused and I must go back to my original frustrations. It may be a flaw in my abilities, but I'm having a hard time continuing to follow your reasoning... so here's the rest of my response to you, dear Lisa:

As you may know by now, I have tattoos. I have tattoos, I am going to get more tattoos and eventually my left arm and possibly my right leg will be covered. You know what else? I still consider myself to be classy at least 85% of the time. I mean, as mentioned in the title, I have spit out my gum in public, and forgotten to put my napkin on my lap at dinner, sometimes my elbows on are the table too... but shoot, we can't all be perfect right? 

What class means to me: knowing when to speak your mind, knowing how to speak your mind, knowing when to let something go, knowing that throwing a punch in a bar probably isn't the right thing to do, knowing that getting wasted and peeing outside while leaning on a car isn't going to feel like such a great idea in the morning... etc. It's about holding your head high no matter what your body shape, gpa, income level, or family background is. 

You say that you don't learn anything about yourself from getting a tattoo, that there's no meaning behind it, that you may as well sign up for a yoga class... clearly you've never been there. If you haven't been in the chair, felt the needles, stuck through it for hours because you know it's going to be beautiful and that when you look at it each day or catch it out of the corner of your eye you're going to smile because it reminds you of something beautiful or it reminds you to keep your head up or it reminds you of someone you use to know. Sitting in that chair or laying on the table you start to realize what you can handle. No, it's not child birth, but it's definitely annoying at times and despite what some people say it hurts. I'm not talking about tears rolling down the face hurts, just uncomfortable hurts, like a grimace here and there. You learn how to zone out and take yourself away from what's happening to you. Yoga could probably help with that, at least meditation could. 

Why am I looked down upon for putting ink into my skin and having a pretty piece of art (not angel wings by the way but I do have a friend who has wings that span from her shoulders to underneath her butt and the work is phenomenal) when women go in for plastic surgery every day coming out like 
carbon copies of one another and are defended because it makes them feel better about themselves? I know your piece doesn't say anything about plastic surgery but when you support shopping, nail painting and other such activities so much it's hard to believe you would be against superficial surgery. 

Look, if you're really doing it for you, then do it up. If you want size H boobs and a back scoop and you have the money, go for it. If you want your arms covered in colors, do it. I mean, you're comparing a tattoo to a bumper sticker... have you only seen bad tattoos? Generic, from the wall hearts, butterflies and such? Have you seen what these artists can do with a vibrating needle? The precision, the detail... they are ARTISTS. I'm sorry, I rather have art ON my body then silicone IN it. I rather have the nose I was born with, the small boobs I was "blessed" with and have a sleeve full of tattoos that all mean something to me. That document where I've been and where I hope to go. Or that just look really good. 

Clothes go in and out of style, they don't portray who I really am, you can't look at my boots and ask me what that means in relation to my life. My nails... I mean really? Getting your nails done ever teach you anything about yourself? Any new self realizations after huffing all of those nail particles? Again, not against women getting their nails done or getting new clothes or dressing up. You want to dress up? Do it. You want to wear leggings as pants, make sure it's flattering and that they are thick enough so we can't see where your thong ends and your ass begins. You want to wear denim skirts and uggs, sure, I mean, it makes the thighs look nice I guess. Not my style because my legs get cold but I have been known to wear boots with tights and a skirt in winter. I also have a pea coat to put on. 

And why is this geared to only women. If you hate tattoos, fine. Say it's classless on a guy or a girl. Say that putting ink in the skin is an abomination against the beauty of the human body, not just a women's. If you're argument is solely for women's bodies then you are reducing them to just that. Clearly, as a writer I figure you believe yourself to be pretty intelligent and more than just a hole to stick something in right? I mean, let's hope most if not all women think a little higher than that about themselves... so why are we making the act of keeping the body pristine so important? Would you demand that a scar be removed if you were in a bike accident? Even if it wasn't on your face? Would removing that scar be going against what you've been given? Would keeping the scar go against keeping the beautiful canvas clean?

I suggest further research into the subject you are writing about before putting something up such as this. I don't care if you never want a tattoo or if you regret the tramp stamp you got years ago. That's fine. And yes, there are many people and even many women that end up regretting some of the tattoos they get. Know that's not all of us. Some of us take the time to think it through, some of us research the artist and sit with the drawing we want for a bit. Some of us don't and still love the tattoo 10+ years later. The body is merely a vessel as far as I'm concerned. It's my space to remind myself that things can be beautiful and you don't have to fit in to the crowd to get along. It's taking what is important and putting it on the outside. I feel like the outside is starting to mirror the inside a little more with every tattoo I get. 

If any of all of the above is classless then shoot, give me that bumper sticker (and a Ferrari).

With as much sincerity as my frustrated heart can managed,