Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Challenge: Eating Local (and In Season)

The past few weeks, or maybe just this last week has had me thinking a lot about what I eat and where it comes from. It started with watching Food, Inc. It grew after reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and after adding Take Part: Hungry For a Change to my bloglovin and from there being referred to 18 Years to Life where Mrs. Lampshade (isn't that a cute name? they're so clever over there) is taking on a challenge to shop local as much as possible, I decided August was going to be the month of conscious, local, seasonal eating.

Rules for my August game are as follows:
1. Go to Farmer's Markets OR local co-ops/local produce stands once a week.
2. Only go to grocery store when all else fails or markets are closed. (aka only when Taco Bell is the only other place open and getting grocery food would be healthier and cheaper)
3. Find local options for things like flour, nuts, etc. 
4. Make at least one loaf of bread.
5. Make own pizza dough (and then pizza).
6. Learn to make (and can) spaghetti sauce.
7. Go to Sauvie Island to pick blueberries and blackberries.

I'm really quite excited about this challenge and honestly I think I've been gearing up for it in more than just the reading department. Recently I went to Sauvie Island and picked some of the most delicious raspberries which I then froze. I also bought a big thing of strawberries (unfortunately not local) and froze them (with some preparation) to have for smoothies year round. 

I'm not going to be super tough on everything I eat this month, I still have some things left in the cupboard (though it is sparse) and when I go out to eat I'm not going to demand a restaurant that only supports local farms but I am lucky enough to live in a city that houses many restaurants dedicated to sustainable, local food so when I can I'm going to make the best choice possible.

Does the beginning of a new month bring want of a new challenge? Is that just me? While I'm happy summer finally made an appearance here in Portland I am going to put it out there in the universe that I am excited for pumpkin season. I don't need it to rush here by any means, but I'm looking forward to it.
I am going to make pumpkin dishes from scratch come fall!


* I could only find the tumblr blog it came from, I looked it up on TinEye and there were no results. 


  1. These are some good goals. I need to work on eating local. I eat pretty healthy, but I shop mostly at the grocery store. Not good for the economy, I suppose.


  2. This is a great challenge! we eat pretty healthily, but have been shopping local more and more. It is good for the 'soul'.
