Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Portland Love: Living Room Theaters

Portland Love is a series in which I take to the streets of Portland, eating at new places, shopping at new shops, smelling old books and doing my best to not get too wet without the use of an umbrella. It's my way of falling in love with this city over and over again while sharing it with you. Enjoy! 

A couple of weeks ago Nicole and I went on a lovely friend movie date. It was a nice day out, so we spent some time (like 20 minutes) on Hawthorne selling her clothes and trying stuff on. We failed to find anything (which was fine) and headed downtown to see a movie at Living Room Theaters. We had our eye set on watching The Trip with Steve Coogan...
Well, Nicole wanted to  watch that movie, I just wanted to go to Living Room. I wasn't really in a picky mood. Or maybe I was but figured british humor (humour... since we're talking british here) would be just fine.

Either way, this isn't about the movie so I'll move on.

The glorious side of the theater. My dear cell phone and I are still not getting along when it comes to taking pictures of backlit things in the dark. Either the backlit letter are showing and the building isn't or the building is and the letters aren't. As shown above. That big white glowing rectangle actually shows the movies playing.

Like this... but see, you can't see anything else now. Sigh, that's a problem for another time.

So, review time... I have nothing, and I mean nothing bad or slightly negative or even just mediocre to say about them.
Seriously, fantastic.
Two picture then I'll tell.

Better side picture kind of...

Blurry movie description picture

Okay, here we are. Why I like LRT...
First, the lovely woman in the ticket window was very awesome to the couple in front of us. She let them have the teacher discount even though he didn't have his card with him. He seemed legit, I would have done the same thing. Excellent customer service.
I wanted popcorn so I stepped up to the small and adorable concession stand register and ordered some popcorn. Their small is actually a small, and their large is HUGE (see picture below) but both are very reasonably priced.
The gentleman ringing me up was very friendly (not in a flirty way, just in a nice person way) and told me that I could have refills, as many as I wanted, of my DC (diet coke). One price, refills?!?! No "do you want 20 million ounces extra for .50?" Awesome.
He filled it in an actual glass. 
We head toward our theater, the seats are large love seats. We found one with an ottoman, well, a block foot rest. 
I realize my DC is without the D. I go back out and say sorry but could I get DC instead of just C. He apologizes and says he must have heard me wrong. Again tells me I still get free refills. I tell him I love him. (not really, I just think it)
Go back in and register gentleman comes in soon after carrying plates of real food.
This place serves you real (and very delicious looking) food, to your theater, to your love seat or recliner! And they have little tray things that pop into the cup holder so you have a place to hold your plate.
Next time I go I'm ordering food I think. Or maybe I'll get food in the restaurant part (yes there's a restaurant part) and then get a small popcorn to take into the movie. Options! So many!
The movie is on, lalala, good stuff. Etc etc.
The chairs are comfortable, they also look really clean, the popcorn is delicious and if I had wanted to get up I could have had more soda for free.
The price for admission is the same as all the other regular priced theaters but it is way more comfy
big part I forgot. After 7pm you have to be 21 to go in. 
Because you can have alcohol (not just beer!!!) during the movie. You don't have to sneak it in. (Some of my friends are lushes, what can I say.)

All in all, customer service was awesome. Seats were awesome, popcorn and soda were awesome. Everything was two thumbs up five star awesome. 

Safe to say, I love Living Room Theaters!

Resting our feet waiting for the movie, giant popcorn in our reach!

To Visit:
342 SW 10th Ave
Portland, OR 97205

If you have a place you want me to check out feel free to leave me a comment or email me!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Baby Bundle

 It's getting to be that time in life where my friends are starting families. I'm going to be honest with you, I feel like it's all happening quite fast and we're still just kids ourselves but then I think about my actual age and realize it's not so uncommon. 
Sheesh. Where does the time go?

So, friends are having babies and with each one I've been trying to figure out what to get. I know the common books like The Little Engine That Could, The Hungry Caterpillar or The Giving Tree * but so does most everyone else. It's hard not to give a duplicate book to a friend's new baby and I don't want to have them feel they have to keep it because I wrote a little note in it. I've thought and thought and now I think I've come across a good mix!

I thought I would share my little care package/first gift to new parents. 

Part 1: First things first... a lovely book.

This book I think was one of the major reasons I loved reading and I think, started reading at a very early age. My Grandpa would sit with me in a chair and read this over and over again. My favorite was saying the sounds of the animals with him. The best, Ga-Dunk!
My mom sat and read it with me too I know. I remember loving this book and thinking we had gotten rid of it (I may have decided in my tender youth that decorating it with stickers was a good idea...) but while my mom was moving one year she found it again and I was so very happy. 
Stickers and all that book holds so many memories and I'm going to be so very happy (I'm almost tearing up here) to pass this on to my child.

The best news about this book? They started printing it again. So guess what parents to be... you're going to be getting this book for your children! I don't even care that this ruins the surprise, I mean how surprised are you really when you open baby presents unless someone shells out the big bucks on some fancy dancy item? Yeah... exactly. It's for your child, don't be so selfish.

Anywho... moving on...

Part 2: I will get for new babies (I might wait until the child is 1 for this... haven't fully decided yet) is this awesome, wonderful movie.

My mom would put this movie on and I don't know how we got it but I remember liking it slash being a little scared of it. Maybe we'll push that to 2 years old. 
What I realized in High School (seriously we watched this in a math class) is how much information was in this movie. So many facts surrounded by a silly character.
I'm not going to lie, I ordered myself a copy and I can't wait to get it in the mail.
I would love to say we kept the VHS but when I stopped using a VHS player I figured tapes were unnecessary. 

Part 3
I don't have a picture for this because it will be different for each parent/baby pairing but Part 3 is the blanket. 
It is my goal to make a baby blanket for all of my friends' babies. Maybe just their first born, we'll see what happens when they all start popping them out at the same time. 
But in all seriousness, this was always a given, AND the color scene/layout of the blanket will always be a surprise. (There you go parents, something for you!)
I love making baby blankets. As of yet I haven't used the typical baby pastel colors. 
We'll see what the future brings.

What about you? What gifts do you find yourself turning to for new parents?


*three other books that positively shaped my childhood and early reading

Dreaming of... vinyl

As you may have noticed I've taken a break from Monday Mayhem. I often pin things but I rarely feel inspired to take the random images and post them anymore. Maybe my "mayhem" posts will come back again but until then I'll stick with some "Dreaming of..." posts. 

Today I stopped by the post office to finally (and I do mean finally) pick up a record I ordered in December. Yes, of 2010. Due to many different complications, delays from the company I ordered from, then moving away from the house I had it addressed to maybe a week or two before it arrived. It needed a signature and they wouldn't let SeƱor Brows pick it up because it was in my name. Then I didn't have an address to forward it to and it got sent back to the company, THEN I had to get them to respond to my emails and phone calls (I think I sent three and called twice) which they did. Then they had to see if they had any more left and thank goody goody goodness they did. 

Today I picked up my City and Colour, Bring Me Your Love limited edition vinyl. I'm in love. 

Only one teensy little problem left... I do not have a record player.
I've been wanting one for years but never really had too much inspiration to actually purchase one (goodness knows I bought a lot of other crap I didn't need, but not a record player) but now, NOW I have a reason.

In honor of that reason today's dreaming of is all about vinyl...


Do you have any recommendations on record players. Some say getting them used is not worth it. What's your opinion? Do you have a turntable?


sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Portland Love: Swirl Frozen Yogurt

Portland Love is a series in which I take to the streets of Portland, eating at new places, shopping at new shops, smelling old books and doing my best to not get too wet without the use of an umbrella. It's my way of falling in love with this city over and over again while sharing it with you. Enjoy! 

Tonight after enjoying dinner with a friend I dragged him (don't get any ideas, seriously we're just friends) to Swirl for some amazing frozen yogurt... by the ounce. I always go crazy at places like this but oh well. I try to limit how many times I frequent these places so I don't feel so bad.

I love, love, love this place for many reasons. 
1. It's in the middle of (in my humble opinion) the best part of Hawthorne.
2. Every single person that I have talked to that works there is incredibly friendly. I honestly think it's genuine. Seriously it blows my mind, especially here in Portland.
Sorry folks, we aren't always as friendly as people say we are. Seriously these kids don't act like they are better than anyone else, they are helpful AND they always punch more than they need to on my punch card. 
AKA Stellar Customer Service. I'm quite impressed.
3. It's by the ounce. Love these places.
4. So many toppings!
5. Open until like 10 pm. 

Because I feel like everyone does their self serve frozen yogurt a little differently I decided to share my way. Enjoy!

First, the cup with the waffle cone in it. Yes it makes less space to fill but that's not so bad... especially because with a cup that big you don't realize just how much you are making.
Second, put some toppings in the bottom. My favorites are rainbow sprinkles, granola and oreo pieces.
Third, add the frozen yogurt... my favorite mix is usually chocolate with a touch of peanut butter.
Fourth, put some more toppings on the top, sometimes strawberries, sometimes more sprinkles. Choose with your mood.
Last, and this is the best part here...

What are your favorite toppings for frozen yogurt (or ice cream)?


Visit here: 
3538 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, 97214

If you have a place you want me to check out feel free to leave me a comment or email me!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Favorite Books: High School and Beyond

The beginning of the rest of your life... that's what high school is right? Something like that. I decided to put together high school and beyond because frankly I can't remember which were my favorites in High School and which extended beyond that. I think I read a little less in High School than I did in Junior High. I remember now, as I type this, that most of my high school reading was the Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging series as well as the Harry Potter series topped with some Faye Kellerman books. I wasn't going to anything series during those years it seems. Thankfully I branched out after high school, read some possibly deeper reads and would every once in a while come back to the young adult books.

My list to date of books I have loved from High School and Beyond:

Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging (series) - Louise Rennison
Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling
The House of Spirits - Isabel Allende
Reading Lolita In Tehran – Azar Nafisi

Good Omens – Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky
Eat Pray Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
Ishmael – Daniel Quinn
A Room of One’s Own – Virginia woolf
Bird by Bird – Anne Lamott
If You Have to Cry Go Outside – Kelly Cutrone
The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

What books helped you through High School? What about after?


My Week Via Cell Phone Pictures (and added anecdotes)

This week has seemed long and short. I guess that's always how it goes though. Sometimes I try to remember what I did yesterday and get it mixed up with the yesterday a week before. Side effect of almost always going to bed when the sun rises? Maybe. 

I think my confusion from days also stems from having Monday off. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I love making Monday a happy day. This Monday was no exception to my happy beginning of the week rule. 
I did some chores, sent out a package to a good friend for her little man (baby boy), stopped by the grocery store, and possibly even did some laundry. OH! I did! 
After the mass amount of chores I picked up Nicole and we stopped at the local 7/11 for free slurpee day! Yeah 7/11!!! There wasn't a huge mob and the machines were working (I saw a picture on instagram of a sad slurpee because some kid had broken the machine earlier) and I hate to admit it, but the slurpee was delicious. I did not make it through the full thing though, I liked it (and the blue tongue effect) but we were going to see a movie, Horrible Bosses, with our friend Bryan (to celebrate his birthday) and I knew I was going to have a dc (diet coke) and some popcorn, possibly even some candy so I had to stop that sugar rush.

The movie was pretty funny, I did laugh out loud and all that good stuff and I don't feel like I wasted my money. Can't ask for much more when you leave a movie theater huh?

After that I dropped off the others, went to the grocery store for veggies, made some stir fry and rice and then settled down to work on a project I've been meaning to do for quite a while now while watching a movie I've been meaning to watch.

I put snaps on the opening to my duvet (that I bought at ikea a while back) and watched The Notorious Bettie Page. While I liked the movie, I felt a little odd about the ending. She was certainly adorable. I would like to read more about her sometime.

I'm not sure what I did Tuesday, probably worked on a current crochet project, read a bit, worked, thought about doing more laundry but didn't get around to it...

Wednesday I hung out with my friend Cameron. We watched part of an old Jeff Goldblum movie titled The Fly. It was horrid and I was hungry so we went to my favorite thai restaurant and then I convinced him to go to Voodoo Doughnuts. (yes, again...)

He looks pretty stoked on that donut yes? I once again bought both the Blazer Blunt and the Ol' Dirty Bastard. He settled with some creme filled one and a Marshall Mathers for his girlfriend.
We went back to his (their) place and chatted about this and that. She's fantastic! We mentioned the baby blogs we read (a lot of the same!!!) and gushed over that while Cameron rolled his eyes. 

 At some point this week, it was Thursday night, yes now I remember, I watched The Notebook while continuing on my current crochet project. I bawled my eyes out just as I expected. Went to bed and read a bit.

Friday had a bit of excitement... Not the kind I like, but excitement none the less.
I went to he optometrist (finally) to get my eyes checked and a new prescription for contacts and glasses. The office was inside a Lenscrafters. I was running a tad behind and hadn't eaten before I went to my appointment. I also have anxiety attacks in certain medical offices though up until Friday I didn't think eye check ups would spark an attack. Wooo was I wrong! I get to the place and they ask if they can dilate my eyes... I say yes because it's probably been a decade since I last did that. I am not exaggerating in the slightest. At that moment I had a wave of anxiety but I told myself it was fine, they are just opening my eyes and I'll totally be able to drive, etc etc.

Get into the chair and talk to the doc, answer some questions and feel slightly off still but nothing I couldn't breathe through. Then he put the drops in my eyes and everything started going downhill. First, I opened them a bit after the first two drops... it stung like a bee (haha punny) and that sent my already slightly anxious mind into attack. We had to put one more drop in each eye and I held it together for that but then I started feeling the metallic feeling in my nose (tell tale sign in my life), I leaned awkwardly in the chair telling him I need a second, then made my way to the floor because the nausea and cold sweat came about. Yup, on the floor in an eye doc's office. I tried joking (as much as I could) with him which is quite funny considering I'm already on the floor. How normal is this many going to think I am from now on? 
I ask for some water knowing there was very little hope for juice after I started feeling the cold hit me again. (That's the best feeling in the attack, when my body can finally get cold again I know I am coming out of it)
I drink some water and think I am ready so I sit in the chair and he puts the lens changer in front of my face. I get through two options on one eye and need to lie down again.
Long story a tad shorter we used what looked like opera glasses to test my eyes after I recovered from the second (definitely less intense) wave and I somehow got through the appointment but was a tad frustrated none the less.
Who passes out (or comes close) in an eye doctor's office?!?!?! This girl. Eye doctor and the gyno. I wish I was joking. Once a year. I apologize before hand to the doctor now, let them know what might just happen.

Moving on...

I scored some awesome new glasses, that look a LOT like my old ones, just larger lenses. 

Saturday I had a new friend give me a hip hop technique lesson and then we went to the park close to my house for a picnic slash pool party but didn't stay long as we both had other things to do. When I came home Saturday night after the dance lesson and work and such I went to the grocery store again, picked up some cereal and such and a couple of movies. (It's been a movie week!) I watched The Switch  last night and while I understood why it didn't do well at the box office I did fall in love with the kid in the movie. SO adorable!

The best line was in the trailer but oh well. This kid actor is so cute! Such a great character.

Today... oh today...
Today was a lazy day. 
I slept in (suprise!) and then called Nicole to see what she was up to.
We talked possible plans and decided on a movie. We first went to Buffalo Exchange so she could get some cash for her clothes and try on things that just didn't work (both of us did that) and then we headed downtown to one of the best theaters in Portland. I'll be doing a Portland Love post on it this week.

The chairs are love seats (some single recliners), they deliver food you order (that looks positively amazing though I didn't actually try it) to your seat, we found a foot rest and shared a big bowl of popcorn for the price of a small at regular movie theaters. I'm going to stop giving away hints of why it's so amazing and just talk about the movie.
We saw The Trip with Steve Coogan. I like it, was definitely funny but it wasn't really meant to be just a comedy I think. There was a little more to it than that.

While watching the movie I became very hungry (despite all the popcorn) and also inspired to try being better at salad making. I was inspired both by other movie watchers' salads AND all the food shown in the movie. We were so very close to Powells (the big big one) that I couldn't resist and dragged Nicole to go look for a salad cook book.

I didn't find any salad books I wanted but I did find a good vegetarian one with plenty of pictures that I am excited about.

Lastly I came home, put on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (two british movies in one day) and worked on the crochet project yet again.

I also ate this... my newest try with fake meat and I must say, it was absolutely delicious. I don't have to miss pulled chicken sandwiches anymore. 

As of now I am sitting on my couch, ready to dive in to my book that I've been meaning to finish all week. 

All in all it's been a great week. I've been incredibly productive (oh yes! Thursday I called the bank that I pay my car payments to so they could send paperwork to the Portland DMV so I can pay them more money to put Oregon plates on my car AND I made my doctors' appointments AND I received my Oregon driver's license) and full of great things.

I'm thinking of my goals for next week which I will share later on.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Journal Day! : Prompts from Sometimes Sweet

Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet introduced her new post series a couple of weeks ago and I was immediately interested in her idea. She started a Journal Day and talked about how she use to have her students write for a certain amount of time on J Days, starting with a prompt and going anywhere they wanted with it. I remember doing exactly this in my junior year of High School and loving it. I was very often willing to share my writing, and most often it veered off of the prompt path pretty fast. A memory I hope I never forget, one morning I decided I wanted a smoothie so I started to make it and realized we didn't have any smoothies, frozen or otherwise. I was set on this smoothie so I used strawberry jelly as a substitute. When I went into my English class we immediately started with journals and who knows what the topic originally was but I went with it and then talked about my genius jelly substitution. The boy I had a huge crush on at the time laughed which made my heart soar (it was a good laugh, like he thought I was clever) and it was awesome. 
So, in spirit of those awesome memories, I am going to join in Journal Days. I skipped the first one for now, but the second prompt is below... Join us if you dare! :)

The older we get, the more certain we get about who we are and what our purpose is.  For me, a lot of it is still unknown, but as I make my way down my own path, I have begun to realize that there are indeed some inevitable truths that I know for sure. On your own blog, write a post that talks about "the one thing you know for sure."

I've been thinking about this a whole lot lately. What I know "for sure." I know for sure that things change, that friendships morph either into something stronger bearing any weight that distance or obstacles can bring it and others break with the lightest wear. I know that I should eat healthier and go to bed earlier. But all of those things are pretty universal. 
What I've realized, or re-realized, or extra realized, is that my parents love me. 
It seems so simple. Of course they love you, some would say. And it's not like I actually ever questioned it. Some epiphanies aren't so ground breaking that you see everything in a whole new light. Some take time and space and circumstance and then a tiny little reminder and they come, telling you what you already knew. 

Over the past few months I've started to find my own ground. I moved away for space and peace of mind to figure out how to navigate this life landscape on my own two feet. I needed to hear thoughts that were mine and mine alone, not influenced by others no matter how caring or concerned.
It's been no quick jaunt in the park, I've been working on "finding myself" for years now and every time I think I have a good hold it slips away. But this time, this time, my grip is stronger, and even more sure. I'm learning to love myself for who I am and where I come from. As I learn how to be happy with all that I am I appreciate more and more where I come from and what helped me to be the person I am.

This was the underworking, the slow move toward realization of what I already knew. Then, in the past week I looked at two photos and everything clicked.
I wish I still had the second photo but I only have the first. (mom sent the picture after reading the post!)

I was looking through pictures of my dad and for some reason his tattoo on his left arm caught my eye. I've seen this tattoo for years now and I don't think about it too much but once again I saw part of my name (it is my and my sister's name) and I was like a 5 year old again for a second. "oh! my name! that's myyyyy name." You know, it's very important at that age to find things that are yours. 
So I commented on the picture saying something along the same lines, like "I see my name!" To which Dad replies "that was the idea, who else wears a billboard with your name!"
Touche Dad. Good, no, great point. And that's when it hit me (again). My Dad loves me. It didn't hit me because my name is on his arm, or anything like that. I don't need showy things to understand that he loves me... just that tiny dialogue made it click again. 

A similar click happened a day or two later (possibly before, I am not quite sure) when my little brother (mom's side) sent me a picture from his phone of my picture on my mom's bulletin board. He said that she missed me and loved that picture. 
Now, I've never questioned my mom's (or dad's) love. I've never thought they questioned my existence, never. That's not what this kind of epiphany is about. It just is. It's a feeling that is latent coming to the forefront.
Nothing they could purposely do would bring it forward. It just waits for a day a time, a feeling, a smell and suddenly I'm overwhelmed with something I've always known to be true.

If you ever question it mom and dad, I love you. Please know that I love you as sure as I know that you love me. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Portland Love: Intro and Voodoo Doughnuts

I decided on day while griping about Portland in my little head (ex: oh it's cloudy, when is summer coming, I always eat the same stuff blaaaah) I read a blog post from someone coming to visit this town. Immediately I thought of all of the things they had to try and places they had to see. I then wondered what other places were around Portland that I had yet to try that I would fall in love with. What other gems were hiding from me? My routine had gotten more than stale, maybe even a little moldy with my sour grapes, and so I decided it was time to clean this opinion of Portland up and fall in love all over again.

From now until forever (or when I do move, because while I love Portland I am still looking to try other places... Springfield, MO, Flagstaff, AZ and Nashville, TN I'm looking at you) I will be trying new spots I have (and haven't) heard about from others. I'm going to share my reviews with you and together we'll get a better glimpse of why some people can't imagine living anywhere else.
You in? Great!

First visit on this (cell phone) tour: Voodoo Doughnuts

pink building, pink boxes, perfectly delicious

crazy signs

The delicious merchandise

Voodoo Doughnuts is pretty well known around these parts and others. In fact, when I moved back up here for the second (third, but who's counting) time both of my brothers asked if I had been to Voodoo. I was surprised that either one of them knew what Voodoo was. I mean, if you live in Portland you know what Voodoo is all about but if you don't...
I guess during my years back in San Diego Voodoo had found themselves on a couple of popular tv shows (reality tv) and ever since their lines (while really long before) were always filled with tourists now. 
Right before I left Voodoo Too opened by I had never been inside. When I moved back it was the one I had to go to because the one downtown was closed for remodeling. Thinking about it now, the remodel of the downtown store was very, VERY necessary. This company has grown and their fan base is huge. I guess that's what happens when tv shows find out about your delicious (and totally strange) creations. Now, instead of being this hole in the wall shop, (not even exaggerating, the first Voodoo was the tiniest little thing, could uncomfortable fit maybe 20 people if they were all touching, TINY) they have a corner shop with bigger doors, room for a line (that still doesn't stay in the shop), two registers, two cases and some more room to stand. It's looking really good. I'll always have a spot in my heart for the original shop though, walking there from Dante's (which will be a later post) to grab my favorite donut while passing hungry bums on the street. Or grabbing a donut with friends before driving up to the highest point in Portland and laying in a circle while our voices echoed. Glorious.

Anywho... this visit I decided to not only get the donut I know and love (The Ol' Dirty Bastard), but to branch out and try something new. I settled on the Blazer Blunt. I was not let down.

The donuts I bought are as follows...

Old Dirty Bastard: 
plain donut with chocolate frosting topped with oreo pieces and peanut butter drizzle

Blazer Blunt: 
cone shaped plain donut covered in cinnamon and sugar and the larger end dipped in maple and sprinkles

No Name:
Plain donut, chocolate frosting topped with rice crispies and drizzled in PB
I like to call it ODB's Doppelganger 

Basically it goes without saying that this place gets an A+ in my book and will never let me down. Voodoo is Portland in a shop, strange, quirky, delicious and inviting to all types. 

check them out here:
22 SW 3rd Avenue Portland Oregon
1501 N.E. Davis St. in Portland Oregon

I hope you enjoyed this first post in a series of many...

If you know of any places in Portland I HAVE to see let me know!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gratitude and Cell Phone Snapshots

Dear lovely, lovely readers. I thank you for coming back or subscribing to my little blog. It makes me smile so very big when I see I have new comments and new readers! If you've recently discovered me, welcome. If you've been here a bit, thanks for sticking around, you are my added motivation for staying inspired each week.

Speaking of inspiration... I figure every week I'll do a photo dump from the dear old iphone (definitely not old, but very dear). This collections has spanned over more than just the last week but I promise in the future it will be a tad more on a timeline!


Kitty loves cupcakes

My friend April just got a new kitten... I'm in love.

Went back down into the basement of PSU one day after having lunch with my friend Alysha who I use to take many a classes with. 

Took the time to capture this beauty of a sign!

Rarely have cash on me, sometimes I just like to remember what it feels like. DMV only takes cash... so I had to get some.

My cold buster tea. Green tea, slice of lemon, pinch of salt, tid bit of honey.

Workin in Nicole's little section of the Antique Mall.

Donut shopping. If you must know I ate a blazer blunt there and took a ol dirty bastard and his unnamed almost identical twin (donut with chocolate glaze, rice crispies sprinkled on top and peanut butter drizzle) home with me.

Awesome little bookstore I passed on the way to getting my car checked.

another self portrait, should I have grown out of these mirror ones by now?

baking for a friend's birthday

what use to be

awesome outside, nothin good inside

Fourth with pigtails

you're a high flying flag...


not comfortable but simple.

Now I'm off to sleep. Busy day (and more pictures) tomorrow!
