Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Pinned Life: Cupcakes and a Sock Bun

I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately it feels like. I don't feel like cooking, or cleaning my room, or crocheting (three c's so far... dang), or drawing or painting or even writing. I haven't been taking as many pictures with my beautiful Rebel in the past few weeks and I just feel a little stale.
Last night I was fighting with myself, trying to get to open studio time where I take my dance classes but I really, really didn't feel like going. 
On top of that feeling was one of guilt for not making myself food lately and lagging on my goal of making new meals this year.
So I put the two feelings together and came up with a plan.
I decided it was a night for cooking and while I originally thought I wanted oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I quickly decided otherwise after looking through my Delicious Food and Drink board on Pinterest.
Nutella cupcakes? Done.
Truth be told, my original plan was to find a healthy dinner I could whip up on that lovely site but nothing I had pinned seemed that delicious and so I settled for kale, red beans and rice with peanut sauce for dinner while my Nutella cupcakes baked. 

I ate my delicious dinner while the cupcakes baked and may or may not have instagramed some of the process. I'm addicted. First step is admitting it right?

I cleaned the pots, pans, and other dirty dishes and then took the cupcakes out of the oven.

I immediately ate one, I mean, I had to know how they tasted.

Honestly, I'm not over the moon in love with them, but they aren't horrid either.

One pin tried, so I went for two.

Last night was a late shower night and I knew I had to do something with my hair or suffer through drying it and then waking up with it a mess. I recently watched a super adorable video about doing the currently popular and obsessively pinned sock bun and so I decided to revisit that.
Sock bun was attempted once and ended up low and on the side of my head. Not the best, but I tried again. Second time, better. I'll be honest with you, I'm not going to wear this out in public anytime soon but for the night it will do the trick.

I swear my head is already huge and my hair looks like that of a geisha at the moment. But it's fun and I'm hoping for pretty curls or waves come morning.

Oh pinterest, what did I ever do before you?

Nutella Cupcakes
Sock Bun (by the way, how cute is she?!)

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