Monday, April 23, 2012

two thousand twelve: second quarter

what does my finish line look like... besides of course, a starting point of new goals

I've put a lot of thought into this quarter. I didn't start my thinking back before the quarter started, but after. I wrote out all of these goals I wanted to meet and then realized that many of them weren't really working toward anything lasting and beneficial.
Many of the goals were things I could check off and say I did but wouldn't really improve my life after the quarter was over. They definitely weren't things that could be built upon in following quarters.

That left me confused and frustrated. Those two words are emotions I have been constantly living in for the past, oh... few years. I want out of those words, I want out of those emotions that feel so permanent because they've been a constant part of me for so very long.

That meant rearranging, re-prioritizing and listening to what I really want. What things are really weighing on my mind versus the minor annoyances that are really easy to get distracted by.

This year I want change. I'm not sure of the exact details of what I want December 31, 2012 at 11:59:59pm to have (besides maybe some champagne and a New Year's kiss) but I do know that I want to be feeling differently about my life and myself.

So where does that leave me with my second quarter goals. I'm still working on that. I went and looked at my goals for 2012 but found them to be of little help in certain areas. There were things I've already decided aren't as important for me to complete this year, some things I've lost interest in. I guess I can just go with what I want to stick with and see what else comes up.

Here's what I have so far:

+I want to commit more fully to exercise and treating my body right. What does that look like?
- continuing to exercise 3+ times a week
- cooking more frequently

+I want to pay for someone behind me in a drive thru line.

+I am still really loving photography and don't want to forget about my toy cameras, or my Rollei. So three more rolls of 120 is a must.

+52 photos in 52 weeks is still on as well. It's a project I don't get tired of.

+I'm going to continue reading as if words were food and I was a very hungry child. There will be no numbers to put on this goal though. I read when I can, and focus on other things when I need to. Re-reading favorites will probably happen a few times this quarter.

+I will continue to make better decisions about my money, I will continue to put money away and to pay my bills.

+I still want to do a vlog

+Say yes to something I would normally say no to. For real this quarter.

What I want to add:
+clean my room and bathroom once a week, that means gloves on, floor wet-swiffered, carpet vacuumed etc.

+I must, must, must go to the dentist this quarter. No ifs, ands, or buts. It's been way, way too long.

+I must commit to a frequent, if not daily writing schedule. Not blogging, not writing a book, just jotting down notes. Once a day, at least 5 times a week. I've been avoiding issues that must be worked through.

+Continue job hunt. I'm doing well where I'm at now, but there's no need to stop looking. One day I'm going to have to be a big girl and face this world on my own two feet, no training wheels.

For now those cover my area of focus. If I manage to do some other ones I had written down in journals before, great, if not I'm not bummed. Future, money, creativity and learning are my focus points for the next 3 (well, 2.5 at this point) months.


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