Monday, October 31, 2011

Books of October

The year is winding down here soon. Well, as much as it can when two HUGE holidays are a month apart from each other. October held a lot of trying things for me. I wasn't as focused on reading but luckily I had the past months of overachievement to give me a little help. :)
This month was a struggle. I started, and gave up on, a couple of books and just wasn't really pulled towards anything. I read the second two books at the same time when I first bought them but then eventually read one exclusively and then the other. Way better doing one book at a time. I know this and yet I start more than one book at a time. 

I read On Beauty a long while back and thought it was a beautiful (albeit a tad depressing) book. This book was no let down. The characters were great, the stories were great and it wasn't nearly as depressing as On Beauty. 

I remember people going crazy over this book when it first came out. I worked at Barnes and Noble at the time and didn't really know much about it. Fast forward some odd years later and I'm looking for more memoirs on teaching and education. Of course this one pops up so, while walking through Powell's one day, I pick it up. It was for the low low price of $2.50 or something crazy like that so I couldn't say no. 
I put off reading it for a while and when I started it I also started another book. One night I made myself sit with this book, and this book only and really devote myself to reading it. I was hooked after that. It's a great read. Charming and definitely inspiring. 

I generally have a strong hate for business books. My mind shuts down when it comes to current (or historical) politics, math and straight business talk. I just don't like it and so my mind pretends like it doesn't catch on. I had heard Seth Godin's name from time to time when I was working at my previous job and I had this book on my list for a while but really didn't have too much of a want to read it. Yes, it was good, wooohoo. Great. Another social media maven. Gag me. But my curiosity got the best of me and while I was looking at several business type books at Powell's (I'm there a LOT) I decided this one was the one I was most likely to read.
And I did.
I loved it.
Godin hits on similar ideas as Cameron and while they describe or name them a tiny bit differently, it's all in the same vein of thinking and creating. I don't think it's mere coincidence that I was inspired to read this while doing The Artist's Way program. I think I've definitely headed on a good track for the future. 

Despite being a bit behind this month in book:week ratio, I am still way ahead of the game! We have 9 weeks left in the year and I have 3 books left to read!
I can't even believe it. When I first read about 52 in 52 I thought there was going to be no way I could come close to completing it. But look at me go!

What would you recommend for my last three books?


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