Thursday, September 29, 2011

Home again

Well, my two weeks dog sitting Benny has come to an end. We laughed, we cried, we peed on the carpet... him more so than me. Or maybe it was me and I blamed it on him... Sorry Nicole. I got excited and nervous for your homecoming!

In all seriousness though, while Benny is a great dog, a lover and a cuddler to the extreme, I have to say I learned at the end of two weeks that I am NOT ready for my own dog (nor have a baby for that matter... don't worry parentals there was no worry of that happening any time soon but I did have mental baby fever and I think it's broke) Not puppy or otherwise. I'm not ready to give up some of my own free time or make sure to wake up for another creature. Some nights I don't want a heat box against my leg, it gets too hot and if I'm too hot I can't sleep. And if I don't sleep... oh I might hold grudges for the smallest things.

Don't get me wrong, Benny is awesome and wonderful, I just needed my own place again after two weeks. As shabby as I think this apartment of mine is, I did miss it after a while.
Probably because it's mine and I know how it works and I know the time it takes to get places from here and such.

These past two weeks were kind of like a staycation... kind of. There were still some hints of responsibility, but I did sleep in a real bed (not a queen air mattress) and cooked on another person's stove, and showered in a different shower. 
Speaking of, how in the heck did people shower comfortably in the claw tub turned shower showers? They look awesome but goodness with a shower curtain on both sides of you things can get cramped. Or maybe that's just my part of my come and go anxiety... who knows.

Point is, Nicole is back from her lovely vacation land and she came bearing gifts which was awesome. Benny and I made it through the two weeks together though I am 100% sure he's happier to see Nicole. She's a better puppy cuddler than I am! :) 
And after being away even just a little while, home sweet home is still just that.


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