Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Day to Play

love love love the ace photobooth

I've been enjoying my life a lot more lately. I've been seeing daylight through more than just work lenses. 

It's definitely a good thing to have friends that will motivate you out of bed.

Hope your Saturday is relaxing and wonderful!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Better Late Than Never: Corvallis Trip with Nicole (picture heavy)

Almost exactly a month ago (my how time flies) Nicole (of House of Leaves) and I went down to Corvallis to get her dog Benny's teeth cleaned and visit her family. We decided that one this trip we were going to do as much thrift shopping as possible, til we dropped basically... and that we did. What follows is a pictorial representation of that trip (with captions). Her version is here (yes hers was posted right after the trip...I know).

I'm starting on Friday morning. We had slept in a really heated house, me in sweats because I expect to be cold when I sleep. I guess I can't say I slept really, because it was fitful and not the best beginning to a whole day of thrifting, but we woke up early Friday morning anyway and took Benny off to the vet to be put under and have his teeth scraped clean. After dropping Benny off we stopped for breakfast. 

Cereal spout... rad. I probably should I stuck with something healthy like cereal or eggs and toast but decided "when in rome" or "when at breakfast joints" and instead opted for the more sweet choice.

Nicole working on the white balance.

My breakfast. So frickin delicious and with such a cute partner in crime...(the dog, though Nicole is always a cute partner in crime as well)

And gone. Maybe even in 5 minutes I devoured all of it, oh and I had a banana on the side.

bacon mustache? we think yes!

After our breakfast, hers healthy-ish, mine totally not, we started our thrifting adventure. I wish I could remember all the different places we went but alls I knows is there were a couple Goodwills and an Antique Mall for sure. Enjoy the finds as best you can! I must note that all pictured items were not bought, they were just photographed for memory. Unfortunately I kinda wish I had acquired some of them now that I look back. Isn't that always the way?

Beautiful blanket. Pretty sure the price was too high though. Or I was trying in vain to be good.

Yup, hot buns.

Pretty owl.

Regret not buying this to add to my Virgin collection. Shucks!

See that Unicorn piece, yeah that's the second time I've found one of those. Wanted it both times but felt it was a little too pricey.

Would have bought this is if wasn't cracked. So cute.

We also stopped by Borders for a look at the PaperChase items and the magazines. I love Lula Magazine  and found it as well as Inked Girls and possibly one other. I have a magazine addiction, I'll talk about it in a later post...

I love everything that quotes this song I think. Wish I bought it.

We couldn't figure out how exactly to use these ear warmers. This way it looks like she's flipping people off, the point was to look like the fingers were in her ears so she wasn't listening. Sigh.

 Love some of the new art that is showing up on classics!

Off we went again after Borders to another stop...
cute but unnecessary

Wish I would have bought it

Nicole tried this amazing piece on as a joke and the ladies next to us were raving about how great and gorgeous it was. Oh goodness. :)


As our final trip before picking up the pup we went into an antique mall. My goodness this place had so much stuff. Nicole made me walk through every single bit of it! I was exhausted and in all fairness so was she. I found most of the prices to be too high considering I could find most of the stuff at the bins or Goodwill myself but I did enjoy the way the shops were set up.

Strawberries and pretty pyrex for days. (all too expensive for me)

kids things and paint by numbers

books, berries, bikes

We stopped at home to pick up Benny's friend Bowie and eat a quick snack.

We finally picked up Benny who was oh so happy to see us and while there I caught one last pretty picture.

At about 5 or 6 we went back to the house and both Nicole and I crashed hard. It was time for a long nap (until 8 or so) and after I read until I fell asleep. All in all the trip was wonderful and fruitful, one day when I take apartment pictures I'll be able to show what I did get. 

Hope your Friday is going well.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Mayhem: Pendleton The Portland Collection

Today's Monday Mayhem (on the correct day I might just point out!!!) is a few of my favorite pieces from Pendleton's The Portland Collection.

I will not be able to afford any of these things but it's fun to look and drool and dream is it not?!

Enjoy and look at the others here.

Form fitting dress, cute cute cute

Gorgeous jacket

Beautiful sweater/shirt/thing I want

I love this cardigan

A to die for bad... seriously. Want want want

What have you been drooling over lately?


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh yes, and not so Monday Mayhem...

Once again I am off a bit on the monday mayhem but I'm going to go with the "at least I finally did it," instead of the "oh my gosh what a loser for not doing it on time."

Sound good? Okay, here we go!

Monday Tuesday Mayhem: Looking for Spring 

Sitting in the sun with a sweater.

Making pretty inspiration collages.

reading lists

Every once in a while the sun comes out here in Portland. I'm excited to be seeing it more and more and I'm just waiting for the temperature to raise a teeny tiny bit! I want it to be dress and sweater weather already!!!

Oh yes please do!

Dreaming of...

I think I'm starting something new here, a "Dreaming of..." series!
I just though about it from the comfort of my bed today while perusing the blogs on my read list.

My first subject... A better collection of shoes!
Currently most of my shoes are sneakers. I have a couple of pairs of heals but rarely wear them and while adding to that group may seem silly, I think it might be inspiring.

Most of these shoes are off of urban outfitters website and one pair is from Blowfish.

I would die for some Jeffrey Campbell wedges! Well, not die, but if I had the $$$ I sure would find my favorite pair and splurge (does anyone else think that word is kinda odd?)! 

I think I'm growing up! My clothing tastes are less varied and my shoe likes are straying from the oh so simple! I'm really excited!

Now if only I had more dollars.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Revamp: 25 before 26

I have been thinking lately about my 25 goals before I turn 26 and I've decided that they need a little work. (Original list found here.) There are things I am finding to be greatly important AND there are some things I've already managed to check off (and some that I am very close on... mostly reading goals haha).

Here's my new set of goals with notes on what has been accomplished thus far:

1. Save money, about $10,000, to move to Argentina for at least 6 months 
2. Go back to school. I've been playing with the idea of a masters OR taking individual classes OR a BFA.
3. Get next tattoo designed. This will most likely be the hot air balloon. 
4. Finish the two blankets I have started for friends.
6. Learn basics of Photoshop. Take a class or to do online tutorials... hmmm.
7. Find perfect pair of glasses (hopefully vintage), little black dress and heels.
8. Write 30 letters. I have not been keeping track so I'll have to start that from today on.
9. Spend a week waking up early for now reason. We shall see about this.
10. Reach 50 readers on blog. Slowly but surely getting my numbers up! Sponsoring all the way!
11. Join or start a reading or crafting (or both) group.
12. Keep accurate log of $ for at least 30 consecutive days.
13. Read 5 non-fiction books. Oh done and done after this month!
14. Complete 52 in 52. Yes I am counting the ones I have in #13 towards this. Also counting from January on for this one instead of starting in March.
15. Watch 4 Spanish/Argentine/Latin films. Or films by Spanish/etc directors OR films in Spanish.
16. Read 1 book in Spanish. It can be a young adult or children's chapter book. Also counts toward #14
17. Have long conversation in Spanish. 
18. Go on at least 3 dates. While friend dates are awesome, they are not included.
19. Throw a party/plan a get together.
20. Rent my own place. DONE!
21. 101 pictures project. I will post the list, link to the flickr community as well as some of my shots this week!
22. Start taking a dance or exercise class. I'm looking into a pure barre class or something similar. 
23. Pay off credit card. Completely!
24. Buy a DSLR
25. Learn how to use Rolleiflex and post developed film.

Oh I'm a little more excited now for this list! I need to print it out and hang it everywhere!
