Overall the week was incredible. Great things are on the horizon, and great things are here now.
+ Next steps from coaching session
+ Dancing on a Thursday
+ Talking to and dancing with J, who knows, but talking is better than not.
+ Allison Fallon's Indestructible event as a whole
+ Seeing Christine and so many others again, the vibe, the yoga (even when I was mentally very resistant), having yoga pants in my car (ended up being absolutely necessary), Jill and Kate's performance... so many things about the event were over the moon wonderful
+ Looking at a room in a house in E. Nash, the ladies were awesome, the puppies were awesome... staying hopeful for my upcoming move
+ Going to coffee with Ally and her family the next morning at the post. Such wonderful people. So many goals, so much learning.
+ Brunch with Cacey. I don't laugh that much with anyone else, such a gem in my life.
- Tired/emotional blah on Friday because of not enough sleep Thursday (worth it overall)
- Not knowing where I am moving yet
- Stomach still being off and on weird
+ Honestly a lot of gratitude for myself lately, for showing up, for spending time doing things that are uncomfortable but have such a great reward, for sticking with talk therapy, for making an effort to move forward, for continuing to learn how to show up for myself.
+ The sun on Friday, wish it could have stayed, but it was glorious and I know it's coming back soon
+ For my friends, for laughter, for brunch on Sunday, for having the means to go to the doc, for finding a great coach.
Articles I Enjoyed:
Japanese Women Are Shoplifting to Find Community and Meaning In JailHow very strange and sad that this is how people are finding community.
Why Dance Is Just As Important As MathHeck yes. Love this. Teach kids young and maybe less people will need to be sloshed to dance.
On Repeat:
Jordan Davis - the whole dang album. Such poppy, summer, somewhat country goodness.
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