March was so, so, SO full of great and wonderful things. Oh my goodness. My birthday spent with friends, family here that weekend, trying new yoga classes through the month, leaning into friends on Saturdays and Sundays exploring East Nashville and then capping it off with a visit from a wonderful and close friend. March was crazy beautiful. It was hard and frustrating, it was fun and full of laughter and realizations... all the realizations.
Started working with a career coach, very excited about that, can't wait to see what we come up with that what changes happen moving forward. My whole dang life could look completely different in 90 days. I'm walking the edge of scared but mostly excited.
Songs/Albums on repeat:
Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour: Makes me want to get in the car and drive West.
Runaway June - Wild West: All the feels with this song
Jason Aldean - Gettin' Warmed Up
Articles I loved:
What It's Like to Quit Social Media As a Teenager- So much respect for teens that are quitting social media. I didn't grow up with it and I'm still having a hard time letting go of Instagram. I'm hoping that there will be more of a move toward this, or at the very least, less involvement than those just graduating college now. I would love to see an evening out.
I Tried to Use Personality Quizzes to Save My Relationship"I wrote letters I’d never send — more than 8,000 words analyzing what went wrong. Could I have been unknowingly cruel? Had my avoidance planted too many seeds of doubt, tapered my enthusiasm? Maybe I was suspicious of our love from the start, had always believed that I would not be good enough for him. Or maybe it was the way we couldn’t handle a conflict."
I don't know that there's anything I could relate to more when it comes to the end of a relationship.
What People Who are Lucky In Love Have In Common-At weddings, I sometimes think that the best gift I could give the bride and groom is a note that reads: “You’ll have some bad days!”
-To be lucky in love, you need to replace the squirm-inducing fear of settling with the exciting idea of investing. Put time and effort and trust and love into a person, and you get huge dividends.
Green Funerals: Need to Know
I have said more than once I want to be cremated, I don't want to take up space in the earth with a box, but after reading this, I think maybe being part of a tree, or being buried in biodegradable cloth might just be the way to go. Is that morbid to think about? I just want to do the least damage possible and return to the Earth.
Gratitude Comes From Noticing Your Life, Not Thinking About It"...simply making the case to ourselves that we have reasons to feel grateful doesn’t necessarily make us feel grateful.
Gratitude, when we do genuinely feel it, arises from experiences we are currently having, not from evaluating our lives in our heads. When you feel lonely, for example, simply remembering that you have friends is a dull, nominal comfort compared to how wonderful it feels when one of those friends calls you out of the blue. Reflecting on the good fortune of having a fixed address is nice, but stepping inside your front door after a cold and rainy walk home is sublime.
The experience, not the idea, is what matters. So if you want to feel grateful, forget the thinking exercises. Look for your good fortune not in some abstract assessment of your life situation, but in your experience right in this moment. What can you see, feel, hear, or sense, right here in the present, that’s helpful, pleasant, or beautiful?"
Thank you to this article so much. Writing gratitude at the end of the day felt so forced. This makes more sense. I've started noticing in moments, what there is to be grateful for.
The Future of Paint? Bacteria?!
Yumna Al-Arashi Captures the Last Generation of Muslim Women With Facial Tattoos"Although many women adorn their faces for cosmetic reasons, most believe that the intricate drawings connect them with the spiritual world and protect their households from evil forces. In either case, Yumna says, the tattoos are a manifestation of female strength: 'These metaphysical connections translate as very powerful in these communities. Women are authoritative figures. They are the family’s decision-makers, they understand the land and animals’ needs best, they know how to use herbs to heal and they can cook. These are all essential survival skills.' The tattoos are symbols of matriarchal power in communities where women sustain the livelihood of their families. Men, Yumna says, are merely there to assist."
Glad that this is being captured, sad that a matriarchal society is losing ground.
An intro to the most joy inspiring human, Ruthie Lindsey. Been Love, Love, Loving everything I've read about her. If you want some gratitude/joy inspiration watch her Insta stories. So ready for her podcast to come out!
Dear Kids, You Don't Ever Have to Pretend"Sometimes your grumpiness will be met by my grumpiness, or I’ll react wrongly to your excitement. I will not always get it right, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting it wrong. I’m just figuring it all out too and I promise to apologize when I realize I’ve messed up."
A really beautiful letter to kids (everyone) about being honest about who you are. To yourself, and then also to others.