Tuesday, August 13, 2013

52 Dishes: 16-20/52 Playing Catch Up

I've been playing a little bit of catch up lately with this project. I had a whole 11 days with a glorious kitchen and great appliances so I made a few things. I found myself a little burned out after I made about 5 different things in a few days so I took a break but I'm getting closer, closing the gap and what not. 

This last week and a half (ish) I made:

I bought a baguette and cut it into pieces and let them sit out overnight to get them a little stale. I think it might have been even better if I had waited a little longer but I was impatient. I really liked this cold too, but I like pancakes, crepes and french toast cold later anyway. Also, I was suppose to have the buttered side of the bread on the top with the sugar which probably would have caramelized it more. Oh well, still was delicious. Will definitely make this again.

I made this while I was house sitting because my sister has this awesome electric mixer which was just what I needed. I am not good at kneading dough and that thing is a pro. I liked the dough better than ones that I have before. I liked it better than the packages you get at trader joes, and those are pretty good, but I'm still not convinced. I want a thinner crust overall, but one that puffs up a little more at the edges. I think I'll probably try a couple more before the year is through. 

18: Spinach, onion and Mushroom Pizza, no cheese
There was no new recipe for this one, it's just my favorite kind of pizza. I was going to make pizza sauce myself but didn't find a good rustic tomato/artisan pizza sauce. Something else to work on this year. Maybe I'll do that with arugula. Yum.

19: SalmonAsparagus and a Baked Potato
This is kind of the same as the packets I made with tilapia but I don't care. I am counting it. Especially because this is the first time I cooked asparagus. It's my new favorite vegetable. 

Oh my gosh, so much went into make these. The actual recipe is super easy but I bought the ingredients and decided to make them on a girl's night I had. I put them in the pantry and went off to go dancing one night and I came home and didn't notice that they were gone. Fast forward to the next afternoon when I am looking for all my ingredients for each dish I wanted to make and I couldn't find the marshmallows or the chocolate chips anywhere. I then had a flashback to a small piece of plastic wrap I had found by the back door where Zeus sleeps, so I run into the other room where he "hides" things that he tears up and sure enough there was shredded plastic wrap all over. And then there was the full bag of chocolate chips with a small hole in it. Marshmallows gone, chocolate still okay. I was very thankful that he didn't eat the chocolate and found the whole thing pretty funny. So then on the day of girl's night I had a friend pick up marshmallows but then I added like 5 other things for her to pick up and by the time she got to my house she had forgotten the marshmallows so I had to ask another friend that was coming for them. Sigh. But eventually the marshmallows arrived and these were made.
They are delicious. But they are sneakily rich. I don't suggest eating 4 after having a margarita... unless you have a strong stomach that won't hate you later. I had a s'more hang over the next day, couldn't even look at the remaining treats. I probably won't ever eat them again honestly, but they were good. That one time. Well, four times. I recommend them to people with self control. 

So there was my first round of catch up, I'm not sure I'll do that many in a short time again any time soon, I'll probably just double up most weeks, but we'll see. Need to get inspired again. 

What have you been cooking?


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