By now, the me of years gone by would have had a list of resolutions and a game plan that would fall apart somewhere into month two. Last year changed my mindset a lot, I learned to slow down (a little) and to appreciate. I learned that no matter what you plan, life's going to just make other plans.
I also learned that life making other plans is okay, in fact, most of the time it ends up better.
I started last year jumping into something full of miscommunication and unmentioned needs. I ended the year with a fantastic man that is no doubt the calm to my storm. He's also my partner in adventure crime. He turned out to be everything that I wanted, everything that I was afraid to even think to want. So, like I said, sometimes life gets it better.
With that in mind, I allowed the obsessive compulsive side of me write lists of resolutions, but I haven't held myself to them. Things like, floss daily, 52 in 52 projects and wake up at 6:00am weren't necessary. They weren't do or fail. I just let them sit, let them ruminate and just let myself be.
Last year I managed to cross more things off my life to-do list than I even realized, and I did it all after the hardest time in my life. Through health issues, a broken heart, the loss of a friend, the loss of my grandpa, my first accident that I was responsible for and a look down the end of depression, somehow, I turned myself around like I never have before. And despite my brains ruts in negativity I've managed to build myself a decent foundation of mental strength and confidence that I'm not sure I've ever had. I've also started making new paths in that brain, paths of positivity.
Needless to say, it was a hard year, but it was not without great reward.
This year while writing possible resolutions and thinking of things I want to do I had a word come to me. It was with little effort, it just popped into my head one day and I thought, that's it, that's what this year is about. I'll share that word later.
The point is, this year is about making plans, and letting life mold it as she will. It's about being gentle with myself, kind even. It's about further building upon that foundation that 2013 gave me.
I am so excited to see what's in store.